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What Agriculture Means?

What Agriculture means?

What Agriculture means?

Agriculture is the backbone of our country. It acts as a major source of income in many country along with India. More than 50% of India's population is dependent on agriculture. A few decades ago people used to do farming using ancient tools, but now after the green revolution, globalization, advance technology has come. High yielding varieties of food grains and vegetables have also been invented which has led to greater growth in agriculture in India.

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Government has also made plans for development of agriculture. Agricultural production in India depends on the rainfall and river water. Government has constructed dams and canals on several rivers for irrigation purposes. Wells and pump set facilities have also been provided to some farmers for irrigation.

Our country India is the world's largest producer of fresh fruits like mango, guava, banana, papaya etc. India also produces dry fruits, spices and vegetables. Food grains like rice and wheat are produced in ample amount. Food is one of the most basic necessities of human being. Hence more and more people should focus on agriculture for their source of income.

The food which we get to eat daily is the gift of hardwork of the farmers. Many a times farmers have to face loss in agriculture due to heavy rainfall, less rainfall or other factors like attack of locust swarms. We as a society must respect the farmers and must appreciate their hardwork. If they stop working, we will not get enough food.

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Agriculture has a lot of advantages but it has disadvantages too. Deforestation is the first disadvantage of forests and trees are cut off for development of agricultural land. Secondly river water is diverted for irrigation of farms, this leads to drying of rivers and disturbing the natural habitat. The chemical fertilizers and pesticides contaminate the nearby land.

Agriculture has both advantages as well as disadvantages. The advantages of agriculture outweigh the disadvantages. Government is certainly taking actions for growth and development of agriculture, but it can also do something to avoid the negative impacts of agriculture on the environment.

Is Agriculture a Business?

Yes, Agriculture is the important business as more than 50% of population depends on agriculture. It produces products for export as well.

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Agriculture Contribution to GDP.

India is the largest producer of agricultural products. India is the world's largest producer of wheat, pulses, rice and different kinds of spices. It provides employment to people of different countries of the world. Agriculture sector contributes 18% of the India's GDP. So, we can say that agriculture is the most important sector of Indian Economy. 

Agriculture pic

Thanks, Have a great day..... God Bless You ♥♥♥

Also Read: Afforestation


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