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Save Water Save Life

Save Water Save Life

Article on Save Water Save Life.

Save Water Save Life

As we all know that water is a very precious natural resource which is found all over the world. It helps living beings to survive on planet earth. Early civilizations of earth have evolved around the banks of river in the world like Indus valley civilization, ancient Egypt civilizations etc. Water maintains the ecological balance as it evaporates from the sea and joins the air to form water vapours which causes rainfall. Due to continuous increase in population and massive urbanisation ground water level is depleting at a faster rate.
One billion people are using water daily, it is also estimated that by 2025,3billion people will suffer from water shortage.
Scientists have also declared that it might be possible that the next world war would be fought for water. In India major cities like Bangalore and Chennai are facing major water shortage as their ground water sources are drying up. The situation of excessive usage of water can create drought like situation in metros leading to migration. National Water mission is one of the 8 national missions launched by the ministry of Water Resources of Government of India for water preservation and conservation.

How to prevent wastage of water ?

  • To prevent such grave situations in future, we have to make water safe from today itself and prevent it from going waste.
  • Some little steps like turning off the water tap while brushing, washing hands and shaving can save a lot of water.
  • Using buckets instead of shower while bathing and cleaning vehicles also save good amount of water.
  • By correct measures of recycling of water for agriculture and irrigation, people can save enough potable drinking water for themselves.
  • By seeing the after effects of  drought and importance of water United Nations decided to celebrate 22nd March as "World Water Day" to raise awareness on saving water. We can only overcome the problem of water scarcity by taking steps individually and implementing them collectively as a society. We must teach our family members to use water wisely and conservatively.

Save Water Save Life

Ways to Conserve Water

  • Check faucets and pipes for leaks.
  • Do not use your toilets as ashtray or waste basket.
  • Avoid use of Showers.
  • Do not let the tap run while washing vegetables.
  • Use water meter to check hidden leakages.
  • Collect the water produce from rinsing vegetables and use it for house plants.
  • Invest in water saving goods.
Save Water Save Life

   Without water there can be no life on earth so let us take a pledge together to save water and save life.

Thanks, Have a great day..... God Bless ♥♥♥


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