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Terrorism a Threat to Humanity

Terrorism a Threat to Humanity

Terrorism Meaning

Terrorism is an illegal act which aims to make fear among ordinary people. Terrorism is one of the greatest problems throughout the world. It is very active in India.

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The terrorists killed innocent people to fulfill their unreasonable demands from their governments. They do violent activities such as hijacking airplanes, blasting railway lines and bridges, kidnapping ministers, tourists and pilgrims. They kill bus passengers, attack police stations, military camps. A great social damage is done by terrorism. It also causes economic damage which affect people badly.

Many terrorist groups are active in Jammu and Kashmir and the north eastern states in India. Terrorism has become a worldwide threat, which must to be controlled from the initial level. The government should take necessary steps against terrorism and the common people must be aware of terrorism.

Terrorism is an act of cowardice. It has nothing to do with religion. A terrorist is only a terrorist, not a Hindu or a Muslim.

Terrorism What are the Types?

Terrorism is of two kinds one is political terrorism which creates panic on a large scale and other one is criminal terrorism which deals in kidnapping to take ransom money. Political terror is much more crucial than criminal terrorism because it is done by well trained persons. It thus becomes difficult for law enforcing agencies to arrest them in time.

Can Terrorism be Prevented?

Terrorism spread at the national level also as at international level. Regional terrorism is the most violent among all. Because the terrorists think that dying as a terrorist is sacred and holy and thus they're willing to try to do anything. All these terrorist groups are made with different purposes. It can not be said that whether it can be prevented or not but we can reduce the chances of terrorist attacks by keeping an eye on suspicious activities at public places or around our working environment.

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What are the Causes of Terrorism?

  • There are some main causes of  terrorism development or production of large quantities of machine guns, atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs and nuclear weapons.
  • Rapid population growth, Political, social, economic problems, dissatisfaction of people with the country's system, lack of education.
  • Corruption, racism, economic inequality all these are major elements of terrorism and terrorism flourishes after them.
  • People use terrorism as a weapon to prove and justify their point of view.
  • The riots among Hindu, Muslims are the most famous but there is a difference between caste and terrorism.

What are the Effects of Terrorism?

  • Terrorism spreads fear in people. People living in the country feel insecure because of terrorism.
  • Because of terrorist attacks millions of goods are destroyed, lives of thousands of people are lost, animals are also killed.

Is Terrorism a Global Issue?

Today terrorism is not only the problem of  India, but in our neighboring countries also. Government across the world are making a lot of effort to deal with it. Attack on World Trade Center on September 11,2001 is considered the largest terrorist attack in the world. Osama bin Laden attacked the tallest building in the world's most powerful country, causing millions of causalities and death of thousands of people.


Terrorism has become a worldwide threat which must to be controlled from the initial level. Terrorism can not be controlled by the law enforcing agencies alone. The people in the world will also have to come together in order to face this growing threat of terrorism.

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Thanks, Have a great day..... God Bless ♥♥♥

Also Read : Corruption


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