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Books are Our Best Companion

 Books are Our Best Companion

Books are Our Best Companion

Books are our best friends. They are useful to us in many ways. They give us knowledge, entertain us and guide us when we are confused. They accompany us when we are lonely and console us when we are sad. Books are available on various topics like literature, philosophy, science, history, food, culture and many more. They are used to store information knowledge which can be passed to many generations.

Books are our best companion

Different people read different types of books, depending on their interests. Kids mostly like to read story books and comics. Grown ups can be seen reading novels as pastime. Old age people prefer reading religious books. Books are like a friend who accompanies us without any demand or complaint. We get involved in a book while reading it and forget the bitter reality of the outer world.

Reading books is a good hobby and we all must inculcate it in ourselves. It makes our mind strong and broadens our outlook. Reading books also improves our vocabulary of a particular language and thus improves our communication skills. Books are like a precious treasure of wealth the world has with it. In this outer world we have many friends around us. However it is difficult to find true and faithful friends. A real friend is one who stands by you in every way. Books are our real friends, they not only entertain us but also give us good advice. Books are our treasure. Books can accompany you wherever you go. You can read books when you travel or when you are waiting on the station. Books do not mislead you. They give us a lot of information on various subjects. They will never fight with you or never jealous of you. The more friendly you are with books, the more wiser you become.

Books as a Friend

As our body needs food to be strong and healthy so is our mind in the form of good positive  ideas. It is very much true that all sorts of  inferiority complexes, ego complexes, phobias, negative emotions, jealousy, selfishness, envy are the result of this uncontrolled mind. Mind is compared to a monkey bitten by a scorpion. That is its nature. The best way to control mind is to make it concentrated. If a person has a good thought, they will force him to do good.

Books are our best companion

Nature of thoughts in our mind depends on our actions, if we expose our mind continuously to obscenity and violence, naturally our mind will be full of those thoughts. On the other hand if we pour good ideas, be in the good company and with holy people and realized souls. The mind became purer ultimately. One realize god or one's own self becomes free from bondage-the cycle of birth and death.

In this modern materialistic world very rarely we come across realized souls. To find good company is also rare nowadays. But there is no need to despair, good books are waiting for us with an abundant source of energy bundled in the form of super powerful words in them, spoken by realized souls and great personalities.

Books are Knowledge's Storehouse

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Books enlighten us, cheer us and encourage us. They make us wise. Books are our best companions. They never desert us in our hour of need. Friends will give us a cold shoulder in our adversity, relative turn their faces away but not so the books. They amuse, entertain and inspire us in our darkest hour.

Books contain the best thoughts and experiences of the noblest minds that ever lived on the earth. They are storehouse of knowledge. They give us a glimpse of the divergent cultures, traditions and customs. Lone less is no more a problem for a reader. Now we have books on the computer as well.

Book is like a room with many doors because in a book there are many solutions of one problem. Books are a source of healthy and pleasure diversion.

Good things in Books

  • A good autobiography helps us to know the struggle behind the success of a great personality.
  • A good novel takes us to dream world and helps us to forget our present, past for a moment.
  • Brings a new perspective towards life.
  • A powerful literature helps us to overcome all our negative complexes and help us to elevate the mind to higher planes.
  • A religious book helps us to take a righteous path to realize the supreme soul, the omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent being so on.
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Book is the Best Friend.

Books are the most accessible and wiser of counselors and the most patient of teachers. Book is that the ally a person's being can have. is a friend that can be never disloyal. Books are our friends for life as they never reject, never go and never blame us.

Books made our life easy to lead us as they inform us about various ways of leading life. Books are informative as well as instructive. A person isn't getting to feel alone within the presence of books. There are two ways to get educated, one is to learn from experiences and the second one is to learn from books.

Books are our best companion pic

Thanks, Have a great day..... God Bless ♥♥♥

Also Read: Online Education in India


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