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What is Afforestation?

Over the last decade, the talk on global warming and climate change has dominated major events and conferences. Politicians and global leaders have campaigned under the idea of helping combat the issues of global warming. As such, afforestation has been one of the most talked-about methods of dealing with global warming.
It refers to the process of sowing seeds or planting trees in an area that does not have trees to create a forest. According to the Vocabulary, afforestation is “the conversion of bare or farmland into forest.” However, afforestation shouldn't be confused with reforestation. Reforestation refers to planting trees in a land with a decreasing number of trees.
The forest isn't a resource for us, it's life itself. It is the sole place for us to measure.
Therefore, reforestation is that the process of accelerating trees in an existing forest, while afforestation is that the process of making a replacement forest. In this article, our aim is to look at the importance of afforestation and its various advantages.

Importance of Afforestation:

1. Provide an Alternative Source of Tree Products:

In today’s world, the rate at which trees grow naturally in forests is much slower than the rate at which trees in forests are being cut down for production. The increased demand for tree products has put pressure on forests leading to deforestation.
Afforestation helps alleviate the pressure on natural forests by providing an alternate source of tree products. It is mostly done for commercial purposes.

2. Increased Supply of Trees that are in High Demand:

In the commercial world, the demand is usually high for a specific type of tree. Afforestation allows stakeholders to plant the type of trees in demand, promoting the fast propagation of specific types of trees. The introduction of latest supply of trees, as an example , can help to stabilize the industry leading to stable prices and business reliability.

3. Protection of Natural Forests:

Protecting natural forests without providing alternative sources of tree products is extremely difficult and unsustainable. Besides, logging is more common in places where there are not any alternative sources of tree products. Moreover, when commercial users of trees have other sources of supply, they will support the executive and policy efforts in protecting forests, leading to more sustainable initiatives. Protecting natural forests also leads to other benefits that come with increased tree forest cover like preservation of catchments, wetlands, and riverside zones.

4. Environmental Benefits:

Planting trees in a barren land is on some occasions more beneficial than planting trees in a depleted or depleting forest. Planting trees in a depleted or recovering forests helps to restore the ecosystem of the area, but planting trees in a barren land helps to create a new ecosystem.
Most governments and institutions have used afforestation to help revert the arid and semi-arid areas to productive areas. It also helps improve the appearance of barren lands to picturesque areas.

5. Value Addition:

An easy way to transform a barren land is by planting trees. Land with trees is more attractive and valuable than barren land. Whether one is seeking to develop or sell property, planting trees is a sure way of increasing the property’s value.

Various Advantages of Afforestation:

1. A Constant Supply of Forest Products:

Planting trees in the land that was not previously productive ensures that the supply of essential products does not stop. Relying on natural forests can be highly unreliable. It is also not predictive due to government and environmental policies.
Forest harvesting is highly regulated. It is usually common for governments to place a ban on forest harvesting, which may be detrimental for a business that fully relies on forest supplies. Afforestation helps to  provide people and businesses with reliable alternative sources of forest supplies.
For example, a corporation can easily and reliably project its annual sales and production when it's its own land of trees, unlike when it sources its products from natural forests.
Creating new forests also provide the community with fodder, fruits, firewood, and other valuable resources necessary for humans. In addition to creating the resources available, afforestation also ensures that the resources are sustainable for the longer term .

2. Prevents Soil Erosion:

Soil erosion is a common problem in barren lands. Barren land is not the best place to be on a windy day. Barren lands experience strong winds that carry large particles of soil causing soil erosion while also negatively affecting air quality. A great example is the dust bowl that was highly associated with intensive farming and large tracts of barren lands.
Barren lands are also subject to flooding when it rains, resulting in the topsoil being transported to rivers and water sources in the area. Afforestation helps to address all the issues of soil erosion and barren land at the same time.
Trees act as wind barriers thereby weakening the speed of the wind and reducing its impact and ability to carry big soil particles. Tree roots also hold the soil together tightly making sure that the soil stays in place during flooding.
Tree leaves and branches also help to reduce the impact of raindrops on the ground preventing water drops erosion. Keeping the soil in place ensures that farmers have fertile soil to grow crops. Soil that held tightly is also less prone to landslides, especially in hilly and mountain regions.

3. Stabilizes the Climate:

Planting trees is a proven way of transforming arid and semiarid areas. Places with more trees experience frequent rains, and thus, planting trees is a perfect way to stabilize climate. Trees also reduce the greenhouse effect preventing warmer temperatures as they are the world’s only natural air conditioners.

4. Has the Potential of Reversing Global Warming and Climate Change:

Global warming is a major concern for global leaders and environmentalists. As such, more and more people are being encouraged to plant trees in their gardens, and afforestation is one of the recommended ways of addressing global warming.
Trees help reverse the greenhouse effect through the process of photosynthesis as they act as carbon sinks. In other words, establishing new forests create new CO2 holding areas – reducing the CO2 within the environment. The overall outcome is the reduction of the effect of global warming.

5. Better Quality Air:

Trees play an important role in purifying the air. People in areas with trees are less likely to suffer from air-related conditions. Trees purify CO2 and offer oxygen through photosynthesis.
In the last few decades, people have been producing more and more carbon dioxide through their activities like driving, burning fossils, and industrial activities, resulting in more carbon dioxide in the air.
In addition to producing carbon dioxide, human activities like construction have led to the diminishing of forests. The imbalance has led to more toxins in the air. In addition to carbon dioxide and greenhouse emissions, human activities like construction and driving create dust particles in the air affecting the air quality.
Trees not only purify carbon dioxide, but they also purify greenhouse emissions. They also trap soil particles in the air resulting in better air quality.

6. Improve Watershed:

Without clean water, the earth cannot support lives. Humans and animals rely on clean water for their survival and hence the need to protect the watershed. Although most efforts are on restoring the existing watersheds, afforestation plays a major role in creating new watersheds.
People living in arid and semiarid regions are the most affected when it comes to lack of clean water for consumption and household use.
Places with forests have several sources of water as opposed to places without trees where they mostly rely on floodwater conservation. Afforestation can help improve the watershed of arid and semiarid areas. Trees help to bring more rain to the region. Trees also ensure that the water is better held in the soil, improving the underground water table.

7. Preservation of Wildlife:

When forests diminish, the wildlife also diminishes. Wild animals suffer most when humans invade forests and their other habitats. Today, most of the places where humans have built cities and estates used to be grazing and dwelling places for wildlife. As human activities still expand, the amount of wildlife living in unprotected areas has dwindled.
Furthermore, unless drastic measures are embraced, most of these animals will become extinct. Afforestation helps to ensure that there are enough forests for wildlife to thrive in. Those animals pushed from their natural habitats by human activities can relocate to the new forests. For this reason, afforestation can aid in protecting wild animals.

8. Provision of Employment and Economic Opportunities:

The timber industry is a big employer. In the construction industry, timber products are basic components of every building. However, before they become ready for final use in the construction site, they undergo detailed processing. For example, before hardboards can be used in the construction of drawers, they have to be processed from round timber.
The process involves different stages that require a unique set of skills prompting the need to hire different workers. Furthermore, since afforestation is that the process of turning barren lands into forests, they require an enormous number of laborers to perform different tasks that include soil digging, sowing seeds, watering plants, and harvesting of trees. Most of the people employed in these lands are previously unemployed and usually poor.


In an era where most efforts by administrators and policymakers are on protecting the indigenous forests, afforestation is an impressive solution for curbing the over-use and destruction of natural forests.
Afforestation is a more viable solution as it provides raw materials for human use without harming nature. Furthermore, it also extends the benefits of trees and forests to barren lands resulting in the economic growth of the region.
Thanks, Have a Good Day.... God Bless 


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