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Self Control


What is self-control? What does it mean and how can we define it? if we wish to define it in short words it, we would define it as self-discipline, the ability to account for yourself, and hold in check undesirable habits and actions.
This quality of character isn't some quite of negative and limiting behavior, as some people might think. When self-control is present and used wisely and with common sense, it becomes one of the most important tools for self improvement and for achieving goals.
Here is a more detailed self control definition:
  • Self-control is that the ability to regulate impulses, reactions and negative emotions, and is another name for self-discipline.
  • It is the skill that enables you to say “no” and “enough” to yourself.
  • It is the ability to abstain from harmful extremes of behavior and actions.
  • It is the ability to avoid eating unhealthy food or too much food.
  • It means being able to stop doing anything that might be harmful for you and for others.
  • It the consciousness and real essence, which controls the subconscious and habitual behavior of yours  and automatic responses.
Self control is significant for overcoming obsessions, fears, addictions, and any quite impulsive behavior. It puts you on top of things of your life, your behavior, and your reactions. It makes your relationships more better, makes you more patient and tolerant, and it is also a crucial tool for attaining success and happiness in life.

What Are the Benefits of Self Control?

  • It keeps in check self-destructive, addictive, obsessive and compulsive behavior.
  • It makes you master in your life, and brings balance into your life.
  • Self-control helps to stay over-emotional responses in restraint and moderation.
  • Self-control eliminates the sensation helplessness and being too hooked in to others.
  • It helps to maintain  mental and emotional balance, which contributes to peace of mind.
  • It enables to regulate moods and reject negative feelings and thoughts.
  • Self-control makes you overall strong by strengthening your self-esteem, confidence, inner strength, self-mastery and willpower.
  • It enables you to take charge of your life.
  • This ability makes it possible to abstain from undesirable behavior in various situations.
  • It makes you a responsible and trustworthy human being.
  • It helps you resist temptations to do indulge in things that can harm your health or waste your time.

What Are the Obstacles to Self-Control?

Why it's difficult to realize and maintain self control?
Here are a few reasons:
  • Lack of data and understanding what self-control really is.
  • Strong and uncontrolled emotional responses.
  • Reacting to outside stimuli, without thinking first.
  • Lack of discipline and willpower.
  • Lack of the desire to change and improve.
  • Considering this ability as a limiting and unpleasant activity.
  • There is a misconception that its possession might eliminates fun and joy.
  • Lack of faith in oneself and in one’s abilities.
  • To possess this ability, you need to eliminate these obstacles.

How to Have Self Control?

The more self control you've got, the higher your life are going to be, and therefore the more mastery you'll have over it.
Here are a couple of tips for increasing this ability.

1. Identify the Areas where you Lack this Ability

Firstly you have to identify in what areas of your life you need to gain more self-control.
Where do you find yourself lacking in self-control?
Possible areas could be:
  • Overeating, and eating junk food
  • Addiction to shopping
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Spending too many hours working and leaving no time for love or money else
  • Addiction to gambling
  • Watching too much TV
  • Smoking
  • Obsessive behavior
  • Being quick to get angry

2. Become Aware of your Uncontrolled Emotions

Try identifying and becoming aware of the emotions that you do not control, such as anger, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, resentment or fear.

3. Thoughts and Beliefs

  • Identify the thoughts and beliefs that push you to behave in an uncontrolled manner. 
  • Identifying these thoughts and beliefs, trying to understand them and find out whether they are reasonable and desirable, will reduce impulsiveness and rash reactions.

4. Thinking about the Consequences of your Behavior

After identifying all the above issues, devote a few minutes every day for thinking about the consequences of this behavior and how your life would be different without them.

5. Affirmations

Several times each day , especially once you got to display self control, repeat for a moment or two one among the subsequent affirmations:
  • I am fully in control of myself.
  • I have the power to choose my emotions and thoughts.
  • Self-control makes me internally strong and leads to success.
  • I am in control of my reactions.
  • I am in charge of my behavior.
  • I am gaining control of my emotions.
  • I am the maser of my life.
  • Day by day, my ability to regulate my feelings and thoughts is increasing.
  • Self-control is fun and pleasure.

6. Visualization

Visualize yourself acting with self-control and self-restraint. Take one among the instances where you always act with lack of control, and visualize that you simply are acting calmly, with self-mastery and restraint.

7. Willpower and Self-discipline

Your self control will improve considerably, if you're employed on developing and increasing your willpower and self-discipline through appropriate exercises. This is actually the most important step for developing this essential skill.
You can find here a powerful training program, with all the necessary information, advice, instructions and exercises for gaining willpower, discipline and self control.
Follow these 7 steps, and gradually you will see how you and your life are changing for the better.
Thanks, Have a Good Day... God Bless 💖💖💖


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