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Brother's Day

About Brother's Day

               Every 24th May is celebrated as Brother's Day to thank the elder or younger brothers, brothers-in-law, cousins, and even best friend who have become more like brothers in the course of time. The bonding is mostly formed at an early stage in life and simply grows leaps and bounds with time. This brotherly bond is very special and should be celebrated.
Reasons Why Your Brother Is So Special?
His Love is forever:
           Maybe you skipped to call him over the week or forgot to bring his favorite sheet sweet- whatever the reason may be, but your brother never stop loving you. His love is pure and unconditional and that's why no reason and excuses are required for them to love you.
Brothers are your Pillars of Strength:
                    Life is not always a smooth ride. Sometimes, life gives you bumps and thorns and in all those times, your brother is always there with you. When the result is not satisfactory in spite of putting efforts, or when you are heartbroken- your brother is always there as the pillar of your strength.
The Crime Partner:
             From stealing chocolates to bunking the class- there are innumerable moments when you have done something notorious. And in the all activities, your brother has always been there with you, supporting your ideas of mischief, and sometimes even during the punishment for the notorious act! These are the moments that will always be in a safe corner of your mind making you laugh with innocence.

Brothers Are Great Secret Keeper:
                   Brothers simply love to know all your secrets. Either you have failed in class test or got a love letter- they will find out your secrets and keep all your secrets safe. But they will also blackmail you saying " I'll tell mom and dad if you don't do as I say".
Your Brother is Your Confidence:
                There come certain moments in life when you don't feel good or confident enough to face challenges. In those moments, your brother is the one who will never think twice to cheer you up and bring your confidence back. He simply won't give up on you!

Thanks, Have a Great Day..... God bless 💖💖💖



  1. Yehh Bhaidooj ka English Version hai kya ?? Hehehehehe

  2. I really like this content

  3. Thanks sir share this information.He has really sweet responses to basically all of these:] I really...... Loved this post.. This Blog ------ one the best blog.

  4. Good one


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