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Global Warming

Global Warming

What is Global Warming?

The ongoing rise in the average temperature of Earth's Climate system is known as Global Warming.
It leads to increase in the Greenhouse Gases in our atmosphere.

Causes of Global Warming

  • Fossil Fuels
  • Deforestation
  • Mining
  • Green House Gases

  • Fossil Fuels:  Use of Fossil Fuels is definitely a major cause of global warming. Burning of coal, gas and oil leads to the production of  Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide which causes depletion of Ozone Layer from the environment and cause green house effect.

  • Deforestation:  It leads to climate imbalance. we all know that trees absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere but when we cut trees the level of carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere which leads to global warming.
  • Mining:  Mining is also a cause as it is responsible for increase in air pollution. The industries where these raw minerals and metals are processed emits dangerous gases.
  • Green House Gases:  Gases like Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide helps in increasing the global warming as these gases absorbs the infrared rays coming from sun resulting in the increase of earth's surface temperature.

Effects of Global Warming:

Global Warming Effects on:

  • Biodiversity
  • Weather
  • Oceans

Bio-Diversity:  The increase in temperature and the climate imbalance disturbs the whole living beings on earth. Climatic changes disturbs the migratory cycle of many birds which affects their mating season and leads to the extinction of many species. Climatic change and increase in temperature disturbs the plants reproduction cycle too.
Weather:  Increased level of green house gases in the atmosphere leads to weather change which results different situations in different regions like floods, storms, wildfires etc.

Oceans: Level of oceans rises as the glaciers melt. Acidification of oceans is also a matter of concern.


How to prevent Global Warming?

  • Use of renewable sources of energy such as solar energy,  wind energy and  biomass.
  • Planting more and more tress.
  • Use more public transport instead of personal vehicle as it adds more quantity of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  • Use of electric vehicles instead of petrol or diesel.
  • Use of those products which can be recycled.

Thanks, Have a Great and Wonderful Day.... God Bless !!!


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