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Junk Food

Junk Food                                                                     

What is Junk Food?                                                                                                          
Junk foods can be defined as a processed food which are generally of high in calories and negligible amount of protein and nutrients. Junk food includes sweets, candy, chocolates, fried fast food and carbonated beverages. As it is said :
The journey of thousand pounds begins with a single burger
Is Junk Food Good or Bad For Health?
Consuming excess of junk food leads to obesity, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and fatigue. It can be also measured by its name "Junk Food". The word "Junk" refers to something which is useless. So we can say that it has totally bad effect on our health and should be avoided.
Junk food tastes good that's why it is liked by every age group. Specially it is highly demanded by school going children and teenagers. Parents also provide them the same without discussing the harmful effects over their health. Nowadays, mostly children avoid healthy diet and run after junk food. They are having these junks in their breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Harmful Effects of Junk Food on Health: 
  • It can lead to depression.
  • It Increases the Risk of Diabetes:  It is conducted in a study that too much consumption of fatty food and sweets can lead to increase level of glucose in our body. This can leads to make a person diabetic.
  • It Increases the Risk of Dementia: High level of blood sugar can cause memory problems
  • Digestive Problems:  Those who are addicted to junk food are bound to have digestive problems like Gastroesophageal Reflux disease (GERD). It happens because junk food is deep fried. Therefore, the oil from the junk food deposited in the stomach and cause acidity.
  • Risk of Heart Disease:  As junk food increases the cholesterol level in blood, gives birth to many heart related diseases.
  • Liver Damage:  It can leads to liver dysfunction due to high level of trans fat present in it.
  • Lower Body Energy:  Although junk foods are good in taste and makes you full and satisfied but due to lack of necessary nutrients, proteins and carbohydrates which are required to keep you body energize and healthy makes you low and the reason behind your fatigue.
  • Inadequate Growth and Development:  As junk food lacks necessary nutrients, vitamins, proteins and fibers, it affects the growth and development of children. It can leads to many hormonal changes which affects the mental and physical growth of a child.
  • Affects on Brain:  It makes your brain weak and non functional. It affects your thinking ability and learning capacity.
  • Obesity:  Eating junk food on daily basis leads to high risk of obesity.

Thanks, Have a Great Day... God Bless♥♥♥


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  2. Very well written.

  3. very nice
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