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Is Social Media Making Us Unsocial?

Addiction of Social Media

Currently, in the human history, the world is continuously progressing and changing no time ever before than we imagine. People also are changing who do day to day routine. The modern society has become excessively more and more obsessed with technology in the shape of cell phone, tablets and many others tech creatures. The most frequent question often asked by the people that how technology has changed us over the years, even important for the better or worse.
Social networking has transformed the way we interact and met with others. However, It's very threatening situation to a most of the folks that thanks to the addiction with the social media websites and apps like Facebook, Yahoo, Tinder, Line, Vine and many others,  we are losing interaction in real lives with other people who even are very close to us. According to some researchers, people that are but thirty usually have an obsession of social media platforms.
According to Finding the New Survey:
The youngsters who have to open their eyes in the early 21st century and reaching young adulthood name as "millennial" spend their time all the day long on social media platforms. That's the reason why they're happening to be less social in their real lives.
              According to the study, people most of the time missing their conversation even sitting in front of each other just because their cell phone distract them while having a conversation. Furthermore, 54% social media users said that they always have a fear of missing out not checking digital world.
Obsession with Social Media Creating Issues in Millennial Lives:
At the moment the world has become fully dependent on the technology most importantly the smartphone and social media. These technological creatures have developed to serve mankind, but its excessive use really creating serious issues in our lives specially in younger generation.
It is actually a term for those people who are addicted to the social networking through their smartphone and happens to busy on tech-gadgets when connected the digital world. They don't bother while they are using cellphone what really is coming in their way keeping their heads down looking at their mobile phone screen like robots. Sometime they got accidents and lose their lives.
Health Issues:
According to the researchers, people in the modern world spend almost four years of his life just gazing on smartphones screen and it may cause them health issues mentally and other physical issues. Cellphone addition causes them depression, anxiety, lack of cognitive growth and many other problems.
Cyber Bullying:
Young social media users who do not know how they ought to use the web and what precautions they will make using multiple instant messaging applications. Resultantly they got multiple accounts on social messaging platforms and become the victim of cyber bullying. Online bullies harass them, and using abusive language and threaten them too. Ultimately, young and innocent teens don't know what exactly they need to do.
Social to Less Social:
When people got an obsession with the usage of online world on their mobile gadgets they begin ignoring the people to form an interaction in real world and always stick with the artificial world. So, social networking is that the biggest factor behind distracting conversation, interaction in real world and lacking with emotions and feelings among the people.
The social networking for young people is very useful, but they need to use it for the specific period of period. Obsession with the social media no doubts makes people less social. Parents should use monitoring app to view activities of kids/ teens and guide them to encourage for real life conversation and interactions.

Thanks, Have a Great Day...... God Bless 💖💖💖


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