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Showing posts from August, 2020

Former President Pranav Mukherjee Dies at 84

Former President Pranav Mukherjee Dies at 84 Pranav Mukherjee Pranav Mukherjee was born on 11 December 1935 in the village of Mirati in birbhum district in West Bengal. His father's name is Kamada Kinker Mukherjee who was an activist in the Indian independence movement. His mother was Rajlakshmi Mukherjee. He married Suvra Mukherjee on 13 July 1957. Pranab Mukherjee took his education at Birbhum. He got MA degree in political science and history and also an LLB degree from the Department of Law of the University of Calcutta. He started his career on the post of clerk in telegraph department in Calcutta. Before entering into politics he worked as a journalist with the "Desher Dak".Pranab Mukherjee became a member of the Rajya Sabha in 1969. He was re-elected to the house in 1975,1981,1993 and 1999. He was appointed as Union Deputy Minister in 1973. He was appointed as cabinet minister. He held many important posts in the government. He became the 13th President of India on

Is the Weather Actually Becoming More Extreme?

Is the Weather Actually Becoming More Extreme? From 2016 to 2019, meteorologists saw record-breaking heat waves around the globe, rampant wild fires in California and Australia, and the longest run of category 5 tropical cyclones on record. The number of extreme weather events has been increasing for the last 40 years, and current predictions suggest that trend will continue.  But are these Natural Disasters Simply Bad Weather? Or are they due to Our Changing Climate?   To answer this question we need to understand the differences between weather and climate— what they are, how we predict them, and what those predictions can tell us. Meteorologists define weather as the conditions of the atmosphere at a particular time and place. Currently, researchers can predict a region’s weather for the next week with roughly 80% accuracy.  Climate describes a region’s average atmospheric conditions over periods of a month or more. Climate predictions can forecast average temperatures for decades t

World Yoga Day

  World Yoga Day World Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st of June every year. This was proposed by the current Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji to the United Nations. United Nations General Assembly President Sam Kutesa announced June 21 as International Yoga Day. He said that more than 170 countries have supported the proposal of the International Yoga Day, which shows the sum of the invisible and visible benefits of yoga to the people of the world. UN General assembly President congratulated the PM Narendra Modi whose initiative on June 21 of every year has been declared as yoga day. Yoga is an ancient art which was originated in India around five thousand years ago. Yoga is a good practice if one does it in daily life. It helps to measure healthy lifestyle and better life forever. Yoga may be a practice to bring body parts together to form a balance of body, mind and soul. We should let our kids know the benefits of yoga as well as tell them to practice yoga in their daily life rout

Generation Gap Article

Generation Gap Article Introduction Generation gap is a common phenomenon. The term is often used to state the difference of  opinions of parents, children or grand parents. Origin of the term - Generation Gap The theory of generation gap was introduced within the year 1960s.Around this point it had been observed that the younger generation questioned and went against almost everything their parents believed. This included their religious beliefs, politics views, moral values, relationship advice and even the sort of music and shows they like. Generation Gap - An Interesting Concept While generation gap is usually a cause of conflict between children and their parents, it is actually an interesting concept. People born in different ages are different from each other in different aspects. The world is changing at a rapid pace and thus the difference between people born in different times is inevitable. For instance if we mention India, people born before independence are different from


  Discipline Discipline Paragraph Discipline is one of the powerful word in our life. Discipline means doing work orderly according to the rules and regulations, being punctual and regular. Discipline word contains such a lot value in our life and its importance are often seen anywhere and everywhere. It is learned from family reception also as at college. Discipline that's learned at an early age of kid is long lasting and beneficial. A student with discipline is usually punctual and he finishes his homework on time. Discipline helps students to urge success in every walk of life. It helps a man to be honest, self satisfied and successful in career and life. Lack of discipline creates failures, disrespect and confusions in one's life. There are many physical, phycological and health benefits of a disciplined life. A student should learn discipline at an early to be better for his future. Discipline is must in every field of life. Indiscipline leads to failure while discipline

Dowry system in India

Dowry system in India Introduction In todays era our society is full of evils. The dowry is one of the greatest evils in our society. Indian girls are not free like western girls. They are brought up in a very bounded and restricted conditions. Here marriage of a girl is settled by her parents. The Dowry System in India Article Dowry system is prevalent in most sections of Indian society. Dowry is what parents give to their daughter at the time of their marriage. It is a sort of help given to the newly marriage from bride's parents to determine a replacement home. This is a very ancient custom in Indian society. In the ancient time it was not considered as a bad practice because it was a voluntary offer. But these days it has become a necessary practice to do. Dowry system has destroying our society. Because of this dowry system the birth of a girl child is not considered good in Indian society. The birth of a daughter or a girl child is a no occasion of joy and happiness for the p

Digital India Essay

Digital India Essay Essay on Digital India Digital India is an initiative launched by our government for easy access of  government services by the people. Digital India program is launched by the Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi on 1st July 2015.Digital India's focus is to provide excellent digital infrastructure with seamless internet connectivity. It aims to provide high speed internet connectivity to the rural areas. Key Features of Digital India. To create a secure and best digital infrastructure. To provide all government services digitally. To make each and every person as digitally literate. Digital India wants to facilitate the manufacture of electronic goods, giving IT services and increasing job prospects in the country. Digital India program is also support by the private telecom and IT companies of India. Digital India campaign helps to fill the gap of rural and urban India by creating job opportunities for the rural youths. Digital India Government Bharat Br

Health is Wealth

Health is Wealth Essay on Health is Wealth It is a very famous proverb that "Health is Wealth" which means that health is the real money and prosperity. The definition of health is a state of a person's physical, mental, emotional and social well being. For good health we must eat food that has all the nutrition. A balanced diet is important to make our body strong. We must eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid junk food. We should exercise everyday. There are other things also that we must be aware of keeping good health. We must drink clean water and maintain cleanliness around us. Everybody must take bath and brush teeth daily. We must also sit and stand in good posture. Our backbone should be straight when we walk or sit. Sleep early and adequately for 8 hours. A healthy body eliminates every negativity and keeps us away from all diseases. It keeps us happy and positive. If we aren't healthy, wealth means nothing to us. Health is our real wealth. If we do not c


Corruption Corruption Definition/Corruption Meaning Corruption can be defined as dishonest or fraudulent conduct by the people in power or those who have a prominent position .It typically involves bribery .Nepotism, extortion, patronage, cronyism etc. are some other forms of corruption. Corruption is like a disease to the economy of the country. Not only does it hold the economy from reaching new heights but also prevents the country's development. Corruption is one of the biggest challenges faced by many countries all over the world. It has spread its roots so deep in the society that it has become difficult to get rid of it. It is becoming bigger day by day because of people's increasing demands in life. Nowadays it is seen that people pays lacs of rupees to higher officials to get government jobs because of which many deserving candidates remain jobless. Corruption can be seen during elections also. Many candidates distribute cash money to common people for votes. Some peop

Terrorism a Threat to Humanity

Terrorism a Threat to Humanity Terrorism Meaning Terrorism is an illegal act which aims to make fear among ordinary people. Terrorism is one of the greatest problems throughout the world. It is very active in India. The terrorists killed innocent people to fulfill their unreasonable demands from their governments. They do violent activities such as hijacking airplanes, blasting railway lines and bridges, kidnapping ministers, tourists and pilgrims. They kill bus passengers, attack police stations, military camps. A great social damage is done by terrorism. It also causes economic damage which affect people badly. Many terrorist groups are active in Jammu and Kashmir and the north eastern states in India. Terrorism has become a worldwide threat, which must to be controlled from the initial level. The government should take necessary steps against terrorism and the common people must be aware of terrorism. Terrorism is an act of cowardice. It has nothing to do with religion. A terrorist

Books are Our Best Companion

  Books are Our Best Companion Books are Our Best Companion Books are our best friends. They are useful to us in many ways. They give us knowledge, entertain us and guide us when we are confused. They accompany us when we are lonely and console us when we are sad. Books are available on various topics like literature, philosophy, science, history, food, culture and many more. They are used to store information knowledge which can be passed to many generations. Different people read different types of books, depending on their interests. Kids mostly like to read story books and comics. Grown ups can be seen reading novels as pastime. Old age people prefer reading religious books. Books are like a friend who accompanies us without any demand or complaint. We get involved in a book while reading it and forget the bitter reality of the outer world. Reading books is a good hobby and we all must inculcate it in ourselves. It makes our mind strong and broadens our outlook. Reading books also

What Agriculture Means?

What Agriculture means? What Agriculture means? Agriculture is the backbone of our country. It acts as a major source of income in many country along with India. More than 50% of India's population is dependent on agriculture. A few decades ago people used to do farming using ancient tools, but now after the green revolution, globalization, advance technology has come. High yielding varieties of food grains and vegetables have also been invented which has led to greater growth in agriculture in India. Government has also made plans for development of agriculture. Agricultural production in India depends on the rainfall and river water. Government has constructed dams and canals on several rivers for irrigation purposes. Wells and pump set facilities have also been provided to some farmers for irrigation. Our country India is the world's largest producer of fresh fruits like mango, guava, banana, papaya etc. India also produces dry fruits, spices and vegetables. Food grains like

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi Essay On Ganesh Chaturthi Lord Ganesh is considered to be the god of wisdom, happiness and good luck. This festival is also known as "Vinayaka Chavithi", "Vinayaka Chaturthi" and "Ganesh Chaturthi". Ganesh Chaturthi is a famous Hindu festival. This festival is celebrated in the month of Bhadrapada according to Hindu calendar. It is believed that lord Ganesha was  born on this day. Lord Ganesh is the son of lord Shiva and goddess Parvati. Ganesh Chaturthi festival is celebrates as the birth anniversary of Lord Ganesha. Ganesh Chaturthi is revived by freedom fighter Bal Gangadhar Tilak in the year 1893.Lord Ganesh is also known as "Vighnaharta", who destroys all the evils and troubles from his devotees' life. During this festival people bring Ganpati idol in their homes and worship with full devotion. Various trusts and societies also set up pandals for worshipping lord Ganesha. Devotees offer durva grass, Modak (Laddu),red flo

Online Education in India

Online Education in India Future of Online Education in India In todays scenario corona virus pandemic is forcing global experimentation with remote teaching. There are many indicators that this crisis goes to rework many aspects of life. Education might be one among them, if remote teaching proves to be a hit. Schools around the world have closed their doors because of the corona virus pandemic, leaving more than 1.5 billion children stuck at home. While it's an excellent inconvenience for several, it's created a spike in demand for online learning. Impact of Online Education Online education is taken into account a less expensive alternative to offline education. As there are many areas in India which hardly have quality offline education options available. Quality online education can overcome the gap. Over 50 percent of scholars search for video content on these platforms. This mode of content could be unavailable in classrooms and this way of learning could be the beginnin

Aatm Nirbhar Bharat

Aatm Nirbhar Bharat Essay on Aatm Nirbhar Bharat Aatm Nirbhar Bharat is the mission and vision of our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji to make India self-reliant. This action plan got its pace during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and Indo-China border rifts. The 'Aatm Nirbhar Bharat' movement got its boost from the native businessmen and industrialists. The big financial foreign investments in Indian companies like in Jio from Google and Facebook. The recent news by our defense minister of not importing weapons and instead building them in India itself is another example of it. The situation on the borders and the lockdown had the people and government to go for 'Vocal for Local' strategy. The people are willing to pay a bit extra to encourage our local producers and manufacturers. The 5G network dream of India will now be made true by Jio and India will soon come into world market of technology and be a key player in it. The PPE Kit manufacturing and exporting has

Atal Bihari Vajpayee Jeevan Parichay

Atal Bihari Vajpayee Jeevan Parichay Atal Bihari Vajpayee In the political history of India, Atal Bihari Vajpayee's name comes first in the great leaders. Atal Bihari Vajpayee's name is not only considered as a leader but also as a Poet, writer, journalist and a person with high character. Former Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee is the only leader in the country who is also respectable not only in his party but also by the opposition party. Atal Bihari Vajpayee Birthday Atal Bihari Vajpayee was born on 25th December 1924 at Shinde Cantt in Madhya Pradesh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee's Father Name His father's name was Pandit Krishna Bihari Vajpayee. Atal Bihari Vajpayee's Native Place Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee's native place was Shinde Cantt in Madhya Pradesh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee Family Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee's father was a school teacher. His grand father (Dada) Pandit Shyam Lal Vajpayee was a renowned scholar of Sanskrit. His mother Smt. Krishna Devi