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Priority in life

Priority in Life

A priority is that the concern, interest or desire that comes before all others.
Many folks take every day because it comes then seem surprised to seek out where life has taken us. Without clear priorities, it's difficult to manage your time and make progress on your goals. You might even be overwhelming yourself by trying to take on too many responsibilities.
The truth is that our ability to move forward and accomplish our goals often depends on what we decide to prioritize. Once you're clear on your priorities, you'll be able to make better and quicker decisions that guide your life choices.
Top 5 Priorities in life:
Our priorities are the areas of our lives that are meaningful and important to us. They're usually activities, practices or relationships that we cannot to place genuine effort and time into.
Priorities imply that a hierarchy are often followed for various areas of your life and work. Rather than feeling like everything is vital, priorities assist you to settle on what you would like to specialize in first.
Top 10 Priorities in life:

Difference between Priorities and Goals:

In my opinion, goals are the bigger picture, tangible milestones that you're trying to achieve. For example: Your priorities would need to be studying and staying focused in class. You'd need to say no to anything that distract you from doing that, at least until you'd finished your studying.

Top 10 Priorities in life:

  • Work
  • Family
  • Health
  • Home
  • Relationships
  • Friendships
  • Hobbies
  • Recreation
  • Self care
  • Personal growth

Top 5 Priorities in life:

Priority in life essay

You may thinking, while this seems logical, why don't people take the time to identify their top priorities and make decisions based on them? The answer is clear. First, some people don't know where to begin - so they don't start. Other folks don't want to make a mistake - so they don't try. Priority in life essay
 Last, some people are so afraid of making a decision that lasts forever, they take the path of least resistance - and do nothing. In all these cases, they get swept away in currents of life.
Priorities is guiding star to stay you on track. Every action that you take and every decision that you make will put you one step further away from your goals.

Guidelines to Keep in Mind:

  • Make the Time to Line Your Priorities: It won't happen by itself.
  • Keep the Method Simple: Select priorities based on sound reason rather than a complicated formula.
  • Think Beyond Today: Make sure that your priorities withstand the test of time. Although priorities should be written in ink rather than erasable pencil, remember that they're going to be changed at any time.
  • Make the Hard Choices: Determine what matters most to you. If everything's a priority, then nothing's priority.
  • Invest Your Resources Wisely: Resources are finite. When you overcommit some time or spread your resources too thin, you fail to dedicate the eye that your priorities deserve.
  • Maintain Your Focus: Accept the very fact that you simply can't do everything well. Trying to be all things to all people leads to mediocrity.
  • Get Ready to Sacrifice: Choices have consequences. Saying "no" to one thing allows you to say "yes" to another.
  • Maintain Balance: Happiness isn't a matter of intensity but of balance. While this may sound simple, it's not easy.
  • Make Joint Decisions: Discuss your goals with your loved ones. If priorities are aligned, you won't work at cross-purposes.
  • Learn to Say "No": Remember that subtracting from your list of priorities is as important as adding to it.
  • Get a Reality Check: Give yourself a periodic check-up to make sure that you're on track.

Take the Right Course of Action:

It's so easy to lose sight of our priorities and to veer astray in life. We let trivia overwhelmed us, permit distractions to sidetrack us and accept other people's priorities as our own. In addition, we run on automatic pilot without really brooding about where life is taking us. Before you know it, a day turns into a week; a week turns into a month; and a year turns into a lifetime.
Quotes about priority in life :
Before we can say 'do-ever, " we open our eyes and wish we could live some of it over again. But unfortunately, there are no dress rehearsals in life. If you would like to finish up at the proper destination, you want to know where you're heading from the beginning. Make it a priority!

Quotes about priority in life :

Action expresses priorities
It is not a daily increase but a daily decrease 
Thanks, Have a great day..... God Bless ❤❤❤


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