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Life Lessons


What is Life ?
Have you ever think of these interesting questions that what is life and what does it mean to be alive?
Reason behind this is in today's era we are getting so much busy in day to day life that we don't have that much time for ourselves. Human beings are becoming robots. We are lacking emotions and feelings. Everybody is busy in his own way. Everyone is running after money. Human beings forget to live life. Their only motive is to work like machines and earn as much as they can. Enjoying only on weekends means life for them, which is not actually true.
Scientifically any matter which shows certain attributes such as responsiveness, growth, metabolism and energy transportation is called life.
In general we can say living each and every fraction of time at its fullest is life.
For most of the people life is love, for some it is all about religious practices, For some it is happiness, for actors it is a movie with all sorts of emotions, drama and lessons. So we can say that the definition of life differs person to person.
What is the Purpose of Life?
Purpose of life defines what an individual wants to achieve in his life. What is his goal? What he wants to do and contribute for the society. Without having any aim or motive one's life is worthless. That being is nothing for the society. So one must have a goal in his life.

Lessons That Life Taught

No one can teach us better that life. Life is the best teacher. Everyone has their own question paper with different questions, the one who copies others surely fails. Life taught you so many lessons such as:
Be Thankful For What You Have: Life taught us that always be thankful to god for what you have because there are things that you have and others are craving for it or can not afford them. Let me share an incidence which happened in Italy during Corona virus pandemic.
An old man aged 93 years was diagnosed with corona virus symptoms in Italy and admitted to the hospital. When he was discharged from the hospital, the staff came to him and asked him to pay the bill for using ventilator for one day, which was of 500 euro. When an old man saw the bill he started crying. On this the doctors present there said that there is nothing to worry, its ok if you can't pay the bill. The old man said i am not crying over this bill, i am able to pay. I am crying because i am breathing for 93 years and i never paid for that. But today i realized that if breathing only for one day costs you 500 Euro than you can imagine how much i have to pay to god. I never thanked him for that even once in my whole life. On this the whole staff of hospital got watery eyes. So life taught us that we should be thankful to the things which we have with us.
Do Not Hesitate:  As there is an old Roman Phrase "Carpe Diem" means Pluck the Day. It means one should have courage or confidence on himself and his work. He should not get offended by people's laugh. In todays life everybody acts like crabs. They pull the leg of others who tried to reach at height and bring him back on the ground. But one should have keep focused and be confident on his way to reach his goal, no matter what others think.
Don't Give up:  Life taught us that do not give up in any situation. Whenever you feel broken at any stage of life think why you started? Definitely one should have never started to give up in between the race. He must have some dreams for which he started. So go for them, fight for them until you achieve them.
Value of Time:  Everybody in this world have equal proportion of time i.e 24hrs a day. It depends on person to person how he manage his time. What are his priorities in his life. Life goes by faster than we think. When you are in your teenage you think it will stay forever but before you know it you are in your thirties. At that time you can not do things that you can do at your twenties because you don't have that much aggression. Life is short you never knows what tomorrow brings so live life to its full extent. 
Live and Let Live:  It is quoted in the Holy book of Hinduism 'Bhagvat Gita' that what goes around comes around, means you reap what you sow. So one should not try to harm any living being. One should not make fun of anybody's feelings or emotions, not to make fun of anybody's body structure, color, height. One should not kill any living being just for the sake of taste and enjoyment. One should not caged birds, they are made to fly in the open sky, don't bound them in cages.
Good Things Do Not Come Easy:  Life taught that if you really want to become something in your life or you want to achieve something bigger in your life than you have to work hard for that. Do not depend totally on your Luck. Luck only work up to some extent rest is entirely up to you, the amount of effort you pun in everyday work to achieve your goal.
Health is Wealth:  As the phrase itself said health is wealth means health is everything. If you are healthy you are able to achieve your goals at any cost. But if you are not fit or healthy you can't stay focused at your work. Start developing healthy habits while you are still young and healthy.
Thanks, Have a Great Day... God Bless ♥♥♥


  1. Very creative theory of life nicely written 👍

  2. Good effort shows .Tell me how can you start the work


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