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Asteroids, Comets, Meteorites

Asteroids, Comets, Meteorites


Asteroids are rocky fragments left over from the formation of the system about 4.6 billion years ago. Most asteroids orbit around the sun during a belt between Mars and Jupiter. Scientists think that there are probably many asteroids, ranging widely in size from many kilometers wide to a kilometer wide.
Occasionally, the orbital paths of asteroids are influenced by the gravitational pull of the planets, causing their paths to change. Scientists believe that lost asteroids or fragments from previous collisions have crashed into Earth in the past, playing an important role in the evolution of our planet.


Comets are relatively small, fragile, irregularly shaped bodies and, like asteroids, remain from the system formation process. Comets, however, are icy balls of earth that form within the external system. The icy surface is encrusted with dust, sand and particles from space.
Many comets have elliptical orbits that traverse the orbits of the planets, bringing them to the edge of the sun and then away, often beyond Pluto. The farthest comets can take 30 million years to finish an orbit. Comets with smaller orbital paths can take just 200 years to orbit the sun, making them more predictable.
When they get away from the sun, comets are very cold and icy balls of earth. As they get closer to the sun, their surfaces begin to heat up and the volatile materials vaporize. Vaporization gases carry small grains of dust, which form a gas and mud environment and can appear as a bright tail when viewed from Earth.
Scientists believe that comet impacts played a role in Earth's evolution billions of years ago. One theory suggests that comets carried a quantity of water and a scattering of organic molecules to the first Earth.
Near-Earth Objects
Some asteroids and comets follow orbital paths that take them much closer to the sun, and therefore to Earth, than usual. If the focus of a comet or asteroid brings it closer to 1.3 astronomical units from the sun, we call it a near-Earth object. Near-Earth objects can provide the raw materials necessary for future interplanetary exploration. Some should even be fairly easy to land for future explorations.
Potentially dangerous objects
A relatively small number of near-Earth objects pass close enough to Earth and are large enough to warrant close observation. This is because the gravitational pull of the planets could, over time, cause an object's orbital path to evolve into an orbit that crosses Earth.
Potentially dangerous asteroids are approximately 150 meters (almost 500 feet) or larger, approximately twice as large because the Statue of Liberty is tall. They are approaching Earth's orbit at 7.5 million kilometers (about 4.6 million miles). In comparison, when Mars and Earth are at their closest point, they are about 53 million kilometers (about 33 million miles) apart. Potentially dangerous comets also unusually reach the edge of the Earth.
Knowing the dimensions, shape, mass, composition and structure of these objects helps determine the simplest thanks to deflecting one, in case it has a path that threatens Earth.
Meteorites and Meteorites
As they travel through space, asteroids sometimes collide with each other and cut smaller fragments. Kites throw dust as they roam the system. These "breaks" end in numerous small particles and fragments, called meteoroids, that orbit around the sun.
  •  Most meteoroids are small and rocky. When you get close to Earth, you burn because you go through Earth's atmosphere. Thus a meteorite or meteorite is formed.
  • Fireballs are larger meteorites, ranging in size anywhere from a basketball to a Volkswagen. They also make very impressive sky displays, as they forced an entry of fragments and passed through Earth's atmosphere.
  • Some meteorites survive passage through Earth's atmosphere and hit the bottom. These are called meteorites.

Some facts about Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites.

  1. Sometimes asteroids collide with each other. When this happens, thousands of tiny pieces chip at the asteroids. These little pieces are called meteorites. Meteorites travel through space and are rarely caught by a planet's gravitational pull. Meteors enter Earth's atmosphere daily. Most of them spend, but if they land on Earth, they are called meteorites.
  2. Most meteorites are small, but the largest have landed in cars or houses, causing damage.
  3. In 2013, in the Russia area, Chelyabinsk was called a meteorite over 20 m wide exploded in midair. The big blast wave damaged thousands of buildings and injured more than 1,500 people. Luckily for the people of Chelyabinsk, the meteorite exploded in midair and bottomed out and exploded, if it had, it might have depleted the city.

Thanks, have a great day...God Bless♥♥♥


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