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Reclaiming Your Attention

Reclaim Your Attention:

Consider what you give your attention to every day.
It's a precious resource and determines the shape of your life.
This appeared to strike a chord with many of us, who I feel are feeling overwhelmed lately. Our attention is being pulled in too many directions, leaving us feeling overloaded, distracted, chaotic, spread thinly, without focus.
It does determine the shape of your life: what you pay attention to become your reality. If you watch and skim the news all the time, you'll become hooked in to the newest crises. If you watch and skim about celebrities, your life will revolve around them. If you socialize on social networks all day long, this may become your world.
If instead, you select to offer your attention to figure you're hooked in to, that you simply feel is vital, which will change your life and therefore the world in some small way.... this will become your life.
If you choose to give your attention to your friends, family and other love once - really give your attention to them instead of only half-heartedly while also checking text messages and emails and other updates - your life are going to be rich in some ways.

Here Some Ideas to Help You to Do This:

Limit Your Friends:
Not real-life friends, but social network and blogging and forum friends. Not that these can't be good relationship but having too many makes them meaningless. And each friend will take up a touch little bit of your attention- once you read their updates, click on their links, reply to their messages, check out their photos and so on. The more you've got, the more attention they'll require. Limit them to just the essential. 
Limit Your Feeds:
Blog subscription, newsletters, other updates and news subscription and so on. Limit them to a couple of essentials and let the remainder go. The more you have, the more attention they require. 
Limit Your Communication Time:
Going into your e-mail inbox? Just give yourself 10 minutes to read, reply, delete and obtain out. Going to do twitter? Give yourself 5 minutes. Seriously, set up a timer. Don't let this stuff take up all of your attention. 
Give up on News:
It's a never-ending cycle. And if you have paid attention to the news as long as I have, you know it's all the same, year after year. Unless your job depends thereon, the news is typically a waste of your attention. 
Be Brief:
Write brief e-mail, tweets, updates, blog posts. With some exceptions, of course. But make brief your de facto.
Give Your Attention to the Important:
This is the crucial part choose what you give your attention to, and do this choosing carefully. What is important to you? Writing, Photography? Designing? Coding? Creating a new business that helps others? Your kids? Figure this out, and provide this the bulk of your attention.
Become Conscious of Your Distractions:
Once you have decided to focus your attention on the important, become more aware of distractions as they come up. Make note of them, and as you get the urge to be distracted, learn to pause, breathe and return to the important. 
Surround Yourself with the Positive:
If you would like your life to be positive, let the positive have your attention. This applies to blogs, people projects and more. 
Thanks, Have a Great Day..... God Bless 💖💖💖


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