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Why Keep Your City Clean?

Is Our City Clean?

The world we live in today is deteriorating by the day. Global warming, ozone depletion, poor waste management and pollution are the major causes for it. Unless we take steps quickly to reverse this, there's not getting to be a Planet Earth for the longer term generations. Most of these issues need to be tackled with care and combated with good technology. The one issue that we will handle with none external assistance is waste management and waste reduction. To begin with, keeping our immediate surroundings clean should be the first target. 
Indian cities have many dustbins placed at regular intervals. But there's always more garbage surrounding the bin than inside it. Why are the citizens so apathetic? Is it not the duty of each person to make sure he keeps his city clean? If we do not work as individual separately to tackle this issue, there is no way we can work as a team to reverse global warming or ozone depletion. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." Keeping your city clean is not really a choice, it's a duty, a normal responsibility. 

Reasons Why You Should Extra Efforts to Keep Your City Clean:

A Social Responsibility:
Human beings are social creatures. We seek company at all times. Living during a community imposes on us certain responsibilities. Keeping your city clean is one among them. It is the duty of every and each person to make sure that his surroundings are hygienic. It is a social responsibility to make sure that the environment is preserved and living conditions are sustained through the years. It is only this, which can be passed on to the future generations.
Giving back to the society - this is where it is begins. Keep your surroundings clean. Give to the future generations what the past gave you. Better it if you can but do not at any cost worsen it. You are morally obligated to stay your city clean. Mother Earth has given you a place to live. It is your responsibility to keep it clean and hygienic and pass it down the line. It is high time that the attitude changes.
Preserve the Environment:
The environment is degrading rapidly. While heating warming and ozone depletion are cataclysmic issue , the ever increasing and poorly managed waste is additionally a serious problem that must be addressed. The waste that is thrown on the roads and street corners does not magically disappear. The government employees people to clean the city. Keep your city clean and recycle the maximum amount as possible. This is not only good  for you but it is also excellent for the environment.
To Lure Multinational Companies:
Research shows that multinational companies are most likely to be set up in places which are picturesque. While nothing are often done about natural landscape; the scenic beauty can always be increased by keeping the place barren of garbage and by planting beautiful trees and flowering plants wherever possible.
Bring Your City into the Top Ranking Lists:
There are many frequent surveys conducted supported which lists are released regionally and globally. To bring your city into the big picture need to ensure that it stands out in some way. Keeping it clean would easily make sure that it might stand call at several ways. This will lure tourists into the town thereby increasing the revenue.
Clean Water:
There are many of us who dump their garbage on the roads. This is bad, but there's an equal number who dump their waste into water bodies. It is documented inconvertible fact that just one percent of the entire water is quickly available for consumption.
Pure Air:
With clean surroundings, you can rest assured that you will never have to inhale the stench of rotting garbage that often litters on the roads. If people get their vehicles checked for emission regularly, even the vehicular pollutant levels within the air are often minimized which can make the air filter.
Tourists throng clean destinations where the possibility of acquiring is minimum. It is a very sensible thought. No body would want to spend their vacation lying on bed. Keeping an area clean will easily lure more tourists and make tourism a booming industry within the city.
Kill Mosquitoes:
Mosquitoes breed in stagnated water. Mosquitoes carry most diseases. Beside the dengue carrying mosquito, most other species breed in dirty stagnated water. If you ensure that all the roads are clean, you are in effect preventing the mosquitoes from breeding. By keeping the town clean, we could easily combat the widespread mosquito menace.
Health Reasons:
There's nothing more important than our good health. Garbage that's not attended to, garbage lying on the road or in uncovered bins function perfect breeding grounds for pathogens and germs. Why allow them to exist within the first place.
Aesthetic Value:
A clean place instantly looks appealing. Cleanliness raises the ordinary to the extraordinary. Do you think " The Niagara Falls" would be half as alluring if there have been plastic bags, bottles or other waste all around? The answer is vehement no. Everyone wants to live in a beautiful place. Only a couple of take the trouble to form their own cities attractive while others whine and complain.
Thanks, Have a Great Day..... God Bless 💖💖💖


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