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Speed in Everyday Life

Speed of Life

Simply speed is distance travelled per unit of time. It is how fast an object is moving. But in todays life speed means something else. It is how fast you are growing or getting old in daily routine work. Today nobody have time to talk, smile or to share emotions with somebody. People are getting so much busy and in this they do not even realize how fast their life is going on. People have a fixed schedule from day to night. Working men and women are busy in their 9 to 5 job, housewives are busy in their day to day work. It seems all are living a robotic life. Quality time is degraded from families. Children are busy in running pseudo race of getting number 1.
We have lost the charm of celebrating festivals, festivals are only a source of holidays.
Time flies so fast.
How often can we say or hear - "Where did the month go?" or "Oh my god its December." Really?
It happens , not because time is moving faster but because we are. The way of our living is gradually sped up over the years. This speed of life is generating stress, depression and fatigue to mankind.
On the other hand if we see the nature is calm, patient, unruffled by what the rest of the world is doing. As we go more closure to nature we feel relaxed, more energetic and enthusiastic. We get a peace of mind. Nature makes us realize what is most important to us - whether this peace of mind or the meaningless outer world.

Why we are Running in this Illusive World:

The reason behind this is the nature of man to achieve more than he has. This urge of getting more and more force us to rush. The expectations of others and the fear of failure makes us feel under pressure. Satisfaction level is zero.
Sometimes speed does not mean that everything is happening good in life. Sometimes going fast means being the the smallest amount productive in the least. One should have a proper balance of living life instead of being a robotic all the time. Sometimes it is good to have a break in life.

Speed Breakers in Life:

Well here speed breakers do not mean ups and downs in life at all. It is neither related to heart break nor to any kind of failure in life. These are positive speed breakers in life which gives you happiness, joy and entertainment with loved ones. Some of them are :
  • Spend time with nature.
  • Spend time with children.
  • Spend time with your grand parents.
  • Do yoga.
  • Do meditation.
  • Do things that you like in your free time.
  • Help others.
  • Stay positive always.
You only live once, but if you're doing it right once is enough. -Mae West
The purpose of our lives is to be happy. -Dalai Lama 
Don't speed up your life making yourself busy in things that have nothing to do with your personal development and your productivity. If you need results in life work smart. Superior strategy brings out superior results. So make a strategy in your life, slow down, think and then act on your work.

Finding a Place of Peace in the Middle of it All:

Ultimately the most important thing is to make time for yourself in the richness of present moment. Give yourself a time of relaxation where no need to rush or get busy in anywhere else, just be you. Take some time to connect yourself with nature and let the nature teach you how to live and how to slow down, it will teach you patience and the true speed of life to live with.
Thanks, Have a Great Day... God Bless ♥♥


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