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Pollution and Solution


Give a hoot, don't pollute

What is Pollution?

Pollution may be defined as the addition of harmful substances to the environment. Substances which negatively affect the environment and living organisms that live within the affected environment.

How Pollution is Spread ?
It is spread by the increased concentration of undesirable particles in the environment. These substances are known as pollutants. Pollutants can be dangerous to environment and living beings. Many industries and factories are the major cause of pollution as they produce harmful gases and chemicals as their waste material. These harmful gases pollute the air cause air pollution and the chemicals mix in water causing water pollution.

Types of Pollution

  • Air Pollution
  • Water Pollution
  • Soil Pollution
  • Noise Pollution

Air Pollution

What is Air Pollution?
Air pollution may be defined as a addition of harmful substances or particles in the air which makes it unhealthy to breathe. Air pollution is a risk factor which gives birth to many pollution related diseases such as respiratory diseases, heart diseases and lung diseases. Major source of air pollution is gases such as carbon dioxide, ammonia, carbon monoxide etc.
Effects of air pollution
  • It can cause respiratory disorders.
  • Irritation of eyes, nose and throat.
  • Global warming
  • Nervous system damage.
  • Acid rain.
  • Smog effect.
  • Climate change.
  • Infertile land.
  • Skin damage.

Water Pollution

What is Water Pollution ?
Contamination of water bodies due to human activities is known as water pollution. Water bodies include lakes, rivers and ocean.
Effects :
  • Give rise to water-borne diseases like Jaundice, Cholera, Typhoid, Malaria.
  • Pesticides can damage our nervous system and cause cancer due to the chemicals presents in them.
  • Disturb aquatic animals' life cycle.
  • Effects agriculture.
How to prevent Water Pollution?
  • Reduce consumption of Plastic.
  • Proper dispose of chemicals and non-degradable items to keep them from ending up down the drain.

Soil Pollution

What is Soil Pollution?
Soil pollution can be defined as the presence of highly toxic chemicals in the land which makes it unfertile.


  • It can cause health problems to children who played in contaminated soil.
  • Inferior crop quality as it makes soil less fertile.
  • It can cause imbalance of ecosystem as soil is a natural habitat for many reptiles and mammals, birds and insects. Thus soil pollution negatively impact on the lives of living organisms and lead to gradual death of many organisms.
How to prevent soil pollution?
  • Use of correct farming techniques.
  • Recycling of non degradable waste.
  • Use of organic fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Proper maintenance of sewage system.
  • Proper disposal methods of household and industrial wastes.

Noise Pollution

What is Noise Pollution?
Unwanted noise or sound present in our atmosphere and surroundings is known as noice pollution.
It includes the unwanted sound which is judges to be unpleasant, loud and disruptive to hearing.

What causes Noise Pollution?

  • Traffic vehicles sound.
  • Construction sound like drilling and sound of heavy machinery work.
  • Industrial sound like fans, generators, mills etc.
  • Planes taking-off and landing sound.
  • Household sound of music stereos at high pitch, coolers, AC, vacuum cleaner. 
  • Loudspeakers at public places.
  • events involving fireworks and firecrackers.
  • Stone cutting machinery.

Effects of Noise Pollution

  • Hypertension
  • Hearing Loss
  • Sleeping Disturbances
  • Headache
  • Strain and nervous breakdown
  • Lack of concentration and memory loss
  • It also effects the wildlife as the noise pollution from traffic and firecrackers interferes them to orient and communicate.

How to Prevent Noise Pollution?

  • Grow more and more trees.
  • Use earplugs.
  • Avoid unnecessarily horn blowing in traffic.
  • Play music at a minimum audible level.
  • Proper lubrication and maintenance of machines in industries.
Look around, walk around, breathe clean air and do not litter the bottom. Don't be mean and keep the environment clean.
Thanks, Have a Great Day... God Bless ♥♥♥


  1. very true......nice content
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