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Smoking is Injurious to Health

Smoking is Injurious to Health

First, congratulate yourself. Just reading this text may be a big step toward becoming tobacco free.
Many people don't quit smoking because they think it's too hard and it's true that for the most people quitting isn't easy. After all, the nicotine in the cigarette is a powerfully addictive drug. But with the proper approach, you'll overcome the cravings. Smoking is injurious to health

Smoking is Injurious to Health Justify the Statement

Smoking is injurious to health it causes cancer and it has a various bad impact on our body parts such as air tract and lungs. In a recent study it is revealed that each year lakhs of deaths occur due to smoking. It increases the risk of:
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • lung cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Respiratory disease
 smoking is injurious to health poster

Smoking is Injurious to Health Quotes

Smoking helps you to lose weight? One lung at a time! - Alfred E.Neuman
Smoking is hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs - King james 

Benefits of Quitting Smoking


Broken Addiction Cycle
Quitting smoking can re-wire your brain and help break the cycle of addiction. The large number of nicotine respecters in your brain will return to normal levels after about a month of being quit.
Smoking is injurious to health justify the statement

Head and Face

Sharp Hearing
Quitting smoking will keep your hearing sharp. Remember, even mild deafness can cause problems (like not hearing directions correctly and doing a task wrong).
Better Vision
Stopping smoking will improve your night-sight and help preserve your overall vision by stopping the damage that smoking does to your eyes.
Clean Mouth
Nobody likes a dirty mouth. After a few days without cigarette, your smile will be brighter. Not smoking now will keep your mouth healthy for years to return.
Clear Skin
Quitting smoking is better than anti-aging lotion. Quitting can help clear up blemishes and protect your skin from premature aging and wrinkling.


Decrease Heart Risks
Smoking is that the leading explanation of heart attacks and heart condition. But many of those heart risks are often reversed just by quitting smoking. Quitting can lower your vital sign and pulse soon. Your risk of a attack declines within 24 hours.
Thin Blood
Another effect of quitting smoking is that your blood will become thinner and less likely to from dangerous blood clots. Your heart also will have less work to try to do, because it'll be ready to move the blood around your body more easily.
Lower Cholesterol
Quitting smoking is not get rid of the fatty deposits that are already there. But it will lower the levels of cholesterol and fats circulating in your blood, which will help to slow the blood up of new fatty deposits in your arteries.


Stop Lung Damage
Scarring of the lungs is not reversible. That is why it is important to quit smoking before you do permanent damage your lungs. Within two weeks of quitting, you might notice it's easier to walk up the stairs because you may be less short of breath. Don't wait until later, quit today!
Prevent Emphysema
There is no cure for emphysema. But quitting when you are young, before you have done years of damage to the delicate air sacs in your lungs, will help protect you from development emphysema later.
Return of Cilia
Cilia start to regrow and regain normal function very quickly after you quit smoking. They are one of the first things in your body to heal. People sometimes notice that they cough quite usual once they first quit smoking. This is a sign that the cilia are coming back to life.


Lower Cancer Risk
Quitting smoking will prevent new DNA damage from happening and may even help repair the damage that has already been done. Quitting smoking immediately is that the best thanks to lower your risk of getting cancer.

Stomach and Hormones
Smaller Belly
Quitting smoking will reduce your belly fat and lower your risk of diabetes. If you have already got diabetes, quitting can assist you keep your blood glucose levels in restraint.
Normal Estrogen Levels
If you're a women, your estrogen levels will gradually return to normal after you quit smoking. And if you hope to possess children someday, quitting smoking right immediately increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy within the future.

Erectile Dysfunction

Sexual Healing
If you quit smoking now, you can lower your chances of erectile dysfunction and improve your chances of having a healthy sexual life. 

Blood and the Immune System

Normal White Blood Cell Count
When you quit smoking, your body will begin to heal from the injuries that smoking caused. Eventually, your white blood cell counts will return to normal and will no longer be on the defensive.
Proper Healing
Quitting smoking will improve blood flow to wounds, allowing important nutrients, minerals and oxygen to succeed in the wound and help it heal properly. 
Stronger Immune System
When you quit smoking, your system is not any longer exposed to tar and nicotine. It will become stronger and you will be less likely to get sick.

Muscles and Bones

Strong Muscles
Quitting smoking will help increase the supply of oxygen in your blood and your muscles will become stronger and healthier.
Stronger Bones
Quitting smoking can reduce your risk of fractures, both now and later in life. Keep your bones strong and healthy by quitting now. 
Thanks, have a great day..... God Bless💖💖💖


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