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Science and Life

What is Science?

The study of nature and the behavior of natural things and the knowledge that we obtain about them is science. It is a particular branch of science such as Physics, Chemistry and biology. Physics tells us about lot of theories of natural forces and things that are happening around us. Chemistry tells us about all the chemical reactions and nature of any form of state i.e solid, liquid or gas. Whereas Biology tells us about the study of living organisms and life.


"Systematic, Comprehensive Investigation" and  "Exploration of Natural Causes and Effects"

Importance of Science

What is the importance of science in our lifestyle ? This question obviously comes in our mind, so let me tell you it is important because it is present in every aspects of our daily life including food, medicine, transportation, leisure activities. It improves our day to day life. It improves the comfort of human life at every level.

Science is there:

  • When you cook.
  • When you breathe.
  • When you eat.
  • When you walk.
  • When you sleep.
  • When you drive.
  • When you play.
It helps to grow your mind and makes you more advance
Science Concepts in Our Daily Life:

Cooking:  When we cook food the heat energy is transformed to vessel in the form of radiation and conduction. When heat passes the ingredients (spices, salt, pepper, vegetables) leads a change in their chemical formulation and breaking their bonds and make the food delicious by making new bonds.
Electricity:  Electricity is produced by water which plays a crucial role in todays life. The discovery of method of harnessing electric energy change human life forever.
Life:  When we eat this cooked food, it works as a fuel for our body which gives us energy to perform our day to day activities and nourishes our body cells. After entering our body food undergoes various chemical reactions and changes by interacting our body cells. These cells transfer proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins from food to various parts of our body through different mechanisms. This involves Biology as well as Chemistry.
Driving/Walking:  We drive or walk because of frictional forces present in the nature. Driving is due to rolling friction between roads and tyros, whereas we can walk due to static friction. Physics presents here.
Automobile : Automobiles runs due to fuel present in them. Have you ever noticed how this fuel works in moving automobiles ? So here is the answer : it is because of combustion. The heat energy is converted into electrical and mechanical energy. Physics and chemistry are involved here.

Household appliances:
Refrigerator:  Electrical energy is converted into heat energy where cooling takes place.
Juicer:  Electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy. Centrifugal force works here.

Internet:  Today we are totally dependent on internet for daily news and to get any kind information regarding any subject. We can easily talk to a person which is far apart from us. We can book airline, railway tickets with the help of internet. We can watch movies at home this is all because of advanced science in our daily life.

Medical:  Science has made a significant contribution on health by providing treatment for various chronic diseases. It provides machines which helps to diagnose such diseases like X-ray, MRI, Pacemaker and many more.

From the above examples we can sense the broadness and importance of Science in everyday life.

Thanks, Have a Great Day... God Bless ♥♥♥


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