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Yoga And Meditation

Yoga And Meditation:

In today's environment many of us suffer from stress, anxiety and find ourselves unable to cope with life's small emergencies. Prescription drugs are on the rise due to the increasing need for people to deal with their problems such as stress and anxiety. However many of us are looking for ways to reduce stress and live a happy and healthy life without medicines. To live a stress free and healthy life, we should give a chance to yoga and meditation in our daily routine.
Yoga and meditation
Meditation and yoga helps to improved mental focus and concentration level among students. Both yoga and meditation includes a greater specialization in breathing techniques. Yoga combines strength and adaptability exercise with relaxation and meditation techniques. It gives you mental peace and physical strength to your body, which is important in overall growth and development of any adult or child.
 Yoga and meditation benefits

Yoga and Meditation Benefits:

Relief in Back Pain:
Believe it or not, doing a couple of yoga poses during the week can help with chronic back pain. It is proved that stretching exercises and poses have improved the flexibility od spine and help alleviate lower back pain problems in people after just a week of yoga.
Helps with Rheumatoid Arthritis:
Lyengar yoga, a kind of yoga that uses blocks, and other positioning accessories, has been shown to help people with atrophic arthritis. Hot yoga, like Bikram has also been shown to help due to its slow, and easy to use postures and movements that benefit the joints, bones and muscles.
Cure Hangovers:
While you may not want to get out of bed when you have a hangover, experts say that doing yoga can detoxify your system and make you feel fresh much faster. Certain yoga poses such as "plow", "bow" or "shoulder stand" work on the thyroid , which improves metabolism to flush toxins out of your system. By reversing the blood flow and bringing more circulation to the brain, your body will create the balance and come back to life. Not only are you curing your hangover faster, but also eliminating extra fat and cellulite from body.
Improves Heart Health:
When it comes to heart health, Baby Boomers should be cautious and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Due to yoga and meditation, keeping your heart healthy is straightforward. It is proven that yoga is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease because of its cardiovascular benefits that eliminate arterial plaque. Meditation also helps lower heart beat rate and make a proper flow of blood throughout the body. Meditating one time a day for ten minutes can help you relax, reduce stress hormones, lower your blood pressure and allow for better blood flow.
Helps with Asthma:
If you have asthma then you may want to practice yoga. It is studied that the people or adults who have suffered from asthma should take a regular sessions of yoga and meditation as it helps to lower down the risk of asthma and helpful in curing it completely. Pranayama is a type of yoga that focuses on breathing techniques that have shown to be specially effective against asthma.
Improves Digestion:
Yoga and meditation also helps in curing digestion related problems. There are many yoga poses, twists and moves that message internal organs that help food move along in your digestive system. Yoga also improves the efficiency of lungs and kidneys helps flush out toxins, making your body cleaner. Meditation can also help symptoms of Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS) and Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) by reducing the frequency of stress-related flare-ups.
Helps you Sleep Better:
In order to live healthy, balanced lifestyle you need to get enough rest so you can function the next day. If you have trouble sleeping or suffer from insomnia, yoga can greatly improve your yoga quality. It helps to cure sleeping issues, reduce stress and lower anxiety. It makes your mind relaxed and slow down your thoughts, allowing you the peace of mind to get a good night's sleep.
Boosts Your Mood:
It helps to make you emotionally strong. It helps to cure and make you feel better during mood swings, menopause, schizophrenia, insomnia, depression and anxiety. Practicing yoga in a group setting also stimulates the production of oxytocin, which is the love hormones and it also produces higher serotonin levels, which is the happy hormone. Combined, these hormones dramatically improve someone's mood.
Helps to fight Migraines:
No one likes to endure the pain of migraine. That's why it's beneficial to practice yoga to fight them off. One of the recommend moves that alleviate migraine is the "bridge pose". You lie on your back with your knees bend and your feet hip-width apart on the floor. With your hands on the floor, press down into your legs and draw your hips up. The trick is to relax the tension in your muscles from your neck and shoulders, which can be misaligned or stressed from hunching over a computer or phone all day long.
Provides Clarity of mind:
Simple yoga practice and breathing techniques allow you to free your mind from "mess" that trickles down to your physical well-being. It helps you to boost up your concentration level and keep your thoughts more organized once stress, anxiety and negative thinking are eliminated. Getting to a fairly quite place is the key to healthy memory function.

Importance of Yoga and Meditation
As we all know that in today's there is a lot of pollution and work load on people. We hardly get any time to meditate and for yoga. But we should do it in our daily routine as it has a lot of benefits on our health and mind. It plays a very important role in the proper functioning of our body organs and mental health. So make yoga and meditation your habit from today and stay healthy, fit and young forever.
Thanks, have a good day.... God bless ❤❤❤


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