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Stone Age

Stone Age

Stone age or level of human development is characterized by creation and use of tools made from stone. At that point early man wont to make their tools for his or her hunting purpose with the assistance of stones. Stone age was divided into 3 different periods.
  1. Paleolithic Period
  2. Mesolithic Period
  3. Neolithic Period
Stone Age
The period lasted for roughly 3.4 million years. The three stage system was proposed by Astley john Hilary Goodwin in 1929.People of stone age did not have the facilities of turning on TV nor they have telephones or mobiles. In todays tech era fire tools are not a matter of surprise for us but in the early stage when these tools were not present it was a big concern, how to make fire. Stone age man was totally depend upon natural explanation for fire. In stone age early man do not have fire making skills they eat raw things until fire was invented. They did not cook food.

What did stone age people eat?

Stone age people lived as hunters and gatherers. They did not live at a same place, they move from one place to other in search of food. They eat fish, eggs from bird's nest, honey from beehives. Thy lived in a temporary shelters as they have to travel from place to place in search of best hunting grounds. Eventually they learned to grow crops and started to live at single place. These become the first farmers. They made an incredible discovery, they dug up the groung and scattered few wild grains. From this they learned how to grow crops and they started growing crops for themselves and their animals. Later plough was invented which made them easy to sow their seeds and makes farming easy for them.
What did stone age people eat

Where did stone age people live?

Shelter and habitat.

  • Stone age people used to live in caves.
  • They made tents which consists of simple arrangements of stones to hold branches of trees in position.
  • They also lived in huts made of wood.
where did stone age people live

What jobs stone age people do?

Stone age people generally wont to hunt to measure their life. They moved from one place to other. They made sharpen sticks for hunting. Later they used bows and arrows. They used animals skin to make their clothes and shelters. They made hand axes out of stones.

Name of tools used by hunters gatherers in stone age.

stone tools were made up of sort of stones during Stone Age. Some tools were fishhooks, carving tools to make beads. Some stone tools were made to use other stone tools. Harvesting tools were used such as scythes which were made from flint.
  • Flint and chart were shaped and used as cutting tools.
  • Basalt and sandstone were used for ground stone.
  • Clay were used to make pottery.
The earlier toolkits include hammerstones, stone cores and sharp stone flakes.

What is the difference between Stone Age time and modern age ?

  1. Stone age man was used to travel from one place to other in search of food whereas today's man do not do the same.
  2. Stone age people do not have so much facilities, today we are engage in so many economic and other activities in day to day life.
  3. Stone age man wont to wear skin of animals whereas today's man wear clothes of varied fabrics.
  4. At that time proper transportation was not there as compared to present time.

What are the similarities between Stone Age people and modern age people ?

  1. They survived climate change.
  2. They used to do paintings on walls of caves.
  3. They played musical instruments.
  4. They had pets.
  5. They do farming.
Thanks, Have a wonderful day... God Bless ♥♥♥


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