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Showing posts from June, 2020

Ways to Affect the Non-Simplifying Others in Your Life.

How Do I Simplify?     Probably the most frequently asked questions for those trying to simplify their lives aren't how do I simplify, but rather what if others in my life don't want to simplify? It's an amazingly common problem and one that doesn't have an easy answer. However, there are things you can do if your significant other, family members, friends, co-workers or others in your life are standing in the way of finding simplicity. I'm lucky in that my wife, is incredibly supportive and in fact has joined me in my journey to simplify. She has eliminated a lot of her stuff, has streamlined her life and while she's not quite as minimalist as i am, she's come an amazingly long way and I'm proud of her. Method of dealing with others Model Behavior: The most important thing you can do to convert others to your ideas is to be the best model possible. Walk the walk, and do it visibly, so others can see what you're doing. This goes for your spouse, for

Poverty In India

What Is Poverty? Poverty could also be a state or condition during which a private or community lacks the financial resource and essentials for a minimum standard of living. Poverty means the income level from employment is so low that basic human needs cannot be met. Each nation may have its own threshold that determines what percentage of its people sleep in poverty. Types of Poverty: Absolute Poverty: A condition where household income is below a necessary level to need care of basic living standards (food, shelter, housing). This condition makes it possible to match between different countries and also over time. Relative Poverty: It's defined from the social perspective that's living standard compare to the economic standard of population living in surrounding. Hence it is a measure of income inequality.  Usually, relative poverty is measured because the percentage of the population with income but some fixed proportion of median income.     Poverty In India Causes of Pove


Childhood Definition of Childhood Childhood is the time for young people to be in school and playing, to grow strong and secure with the love and encouragement of their family and an extended community of caring adults. It is a precious time during which children must live without fear, safe from violence and protected from abuse and exploitation. In other words we will say that Childhood is that the space between birth and attainment of adulthood. It refers to the state and condition of a child's life. Despite intellectual debates over the definition of childhood and cultural differences about what to expect from children, there has always been a substantial degree of shared understanding that childhood involves a separate and safe space. What are the different stages of Childhood? The most difficult a part of parenting is deciding during which developmental stage your child is and what they ought to do to assist them grow and learn for his or her better development. Stages

Asteroids, Comets, Meteorites

Asteroids, Comets, Meteorites Asteroids Asteroids are rocky fragments left over from the formation of the system about 4.6 billion years ago. Most asteroids orbit around the sun during a belt between Mars and Jupiter. Scientists think that there are probably many asteroids, ranging widely in size from many kilometers wide to a kilometer wide. Occasionally, the orbital paths of asteroids are influenced by the gravitational pull of the planets, causing their paths to change. Scientists believe that lost asteroids or fragments from previous collisions have crashed into Earth in the past, playing an important role in the evolution of our planet. Comets Comets are relatively small, fragile, irregularly shaped bodies and, like asteroids, remain from the system formation process. Comets, however, are icy balls of earth that form within the external system. The icy surface is encrusted with dust, sand and particles from space. Many comets have elliptical orbits that trave

Yoga And Meditation

Yoga And Meditation: In today's environment many of us suffer from stress, anxiety and find ourselves unable to cope with life's small emergencies. Prescription drugs are on the rise due to the increasing need for people to deal with their problems such as stress and anxiety. However many of us are looking for ways to reduce stress and live a happy and healthy life without medicines. To live a stress free and healthy life, we should give a chance to yoga and meditation in our daily routine. Meditation and yoga helps to improved mental focus and concentration level among students. Both yoga and meditation includes a greater specialization in breathing techniques. Yoga combines strength and adaptability exercise with relaxation and meditation techniques. It gives you mental peace and physical strength to your body, which is important in overall growth and development of any adult or child.   Yoga and Meditation Benefits: Relief in Back Pain: Believe it or not, doing a

Father's Day

Father's Day 2020 Every year, when the third Sunday in June rolls around, words seems to escape us. Someone has rightly said that "Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance". May be he has been a poor man all through his life but a father will try to work to exhaustion to give his children every richness of the world possible.    A father may be a one that brings all the happiness to his children by working hard and teaching every beautiful thing of the Universe. And, when you grow up, expects them to bring about the best human being out of their personality. A father is in his happiest state of mind when he watches his son/daughter growing as responsible as he has always wanted. Reason Why Your Father Is So Special? Dads are Great Coaches: Whether they're coaching the whole team or just offering some one-to-one advice on how to play the the game, dads are amazing at sharing their love of the game. Football, baseball and socce

Stone Age

Stone Age Stone age or level of human development is characterized by creation and use of tools made from stone. At that point early man wont to make their tools for his or her hunting purpose with the assistance of stones. Stone age was divided into 3 different periods. Paleolithic Period Mesolithic Period Neolithic Period The period lasted for roughly 3.4 million years. The three stage system was proposed by Astley john Hilary Goodwin in 1929.People of stone age did not have the facilities of turning on TV nor they have telephones or mobiles. In todays tech era fire tools are not a matter of surprise for us but in the early stage when these tools were not present it was a big concern, how to make fire. Stone age man was totally depend upon natural explanation for fire. In stone age early man do not have fire making skills they eat raw things until fire was invented. They did not cook food. What did stone age people eat? Stone age people lived as hunters and gatherers

Smoking is Injurious to Health

Smoking is Injurious to Health First, congratulate yourself. Just reading this text may be a big step toward becoming tobacco free. Many people don't quit smoking because they think it's too hard and it's true that for the most people quitting isn't easy. After all, the nicotine in the cigarette is a powerfully addictive drug. But with the proper approach, you'll overcome the cravings.   Smoking is Injurious to Health Justify the Statement Smoking is injurious to health   it causes cancer and it has a various bad impact on our body parts such as air tract and lungs. In a recent study it is revealed that each year lakhs of deaths occur due to smoking. It increases the risk of: Heart disease Stroke lung cancer Cardiovascular disease Respiratory disease   Smoking is Injurious to Health Quotes Smoking helps you to lose weight? One lung at a time! - Alfred E.Neuman Smoking is hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs - King

Nepotism in India

Nepotism in India What is Nepotism? Nepotism is giving relatives special treatment especially within the workplace or by giving them jobs. In India mostly people prefer their friends, relatives and dear ones for a selected job. If they get a job they treat them in other way, they try to make their work easy by performing their tasks through others, by asking their boss for better appraisals and many more. It is not only in India but everywhere the planet. Everybody wants their friends or relatives get comfort zone comparatively others. It is obvious, which may be a attribute or behavior. But sometimes it becomes over and deserving people can not get what they actual deserves. That results in their mental disturbance and affects on their health. Article on Nepotism in India. Nepotism in Indian politics . Corruption goes hand in hand with nepotism in India. It goes on in both private as well as in government jobs. Nepotism in Indian politics, nepotism in Indian judiciary an

Priority in life

Priority in Life A priority is that the concern, interest or desire that comes before all others. Many folks take every day because it comes then seem surprised to seek out where life has taken us. Without clear priorities, it's difficult to manage your time and make progress on your goals. You might even be overwhelming yourself by trying to take on too many responsibilities. The truth is that our ability to move forward and accomplish our goals often depends on what we decide to prioritize. Once you're clear on your priorities, you'll be able to make better and quicker decisions that guide your life choices. Our priorities are the areas of our lives that are meaningful and important to us. They're usually activities, practices or relationships that we cannot to place genuine effort and time into. Priorities imply that a hierarchy are often followed for various areas of your life and work. Rather than feeling like everything is vital, priorities assist you to


Definition of Inspiration:   The process of being mentally stimulated to try to do or feel something, especially something creative. A feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something, which provides you new and artistic ideas. A divine influence or action on an individual believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation. The excitement of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.   Inspiration is once you feel a deep-rooted passion and motivation to do something. We are all inspired by different thing and in several ways. Yet, inspiration is all around you and may appear at a moment's notice. For example: You may see a young man helping an elderly woman together with her groceries and obtain inspired to assist others. You may see good friend order Mexican food in Spanish and get inspired to learn a new language. You may read an inspirational quote and get inspired to finish your work/school project. How to Disc

How to Become Rich ?

How can I Be a Millionaire? Everybody has a dream to become rich and powerful. Everyone wants to win a lottery and getting crazy rich overnight. People want to get rich. Most of us search on google how to get rich ? How to get more money without any investment ?People want to have enough money to buy a big house, luxury cars and great vacations. But many of us do not know what getting rich really means and what it takes to get rich. Being rich is a state of mind, you could be rich but still poor or vice-versa. "Rich" can be defined in many ways. Some people think that having a lot of money is rich while other think having a happy and stable mind is rich.  Actually it is an achievement to live without  the worry of money.  You do not need a   big house, luxury cars, dining at big restaurants  to be considered rich. Everyone can be rich if he understand to life with the things he has. The key of it is to live with what you have. How to Get Rich? If you are aiming f