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Zodiac Signs

Zodiac Signs

Zodiac Signs and what they say about you.

Zodiac Signs and what they say about you
Everyone's heard the age-old question : What is your sign ? When people say "sign" it is assumed that they mean someone's sun sign, which is all the majority of people know about astrology. Sun Signs are the simple aspects of astrology. It mainly refers to the position of the sun at a person's birth. Although astrology is very complex. Since different planets means different things for our personality. Sun Signs provide a basic description of one's self ego and identity. The twelve Sun Signs also referred to as Zodiacs are:
  1. Aries
  2. Taurus
  3. Gemini
  4. Cancer
  5. Leo 
  6. Virgo 
  7. Libra
  8. Scorpio
  9. Sagittarius
  10. Capricorn
  11. Aquarius
  12. Pisces

Aries: The Ram

Aries are very enthusiastic and energetic. However under their natural optimism may lie insecurity, due to their desire to succeed. They are go-getters with a need for adventure and independence, but can get moody, impulsive and selfish because of their low tolerance of boredom. Aries make great leaders.

Taurus: The Bull

Taurus are the most loyal people you will ever meet. They are patient, persistent, generous and even have a romantic side. But they can tend to be exceptionally stubborn, materialistic and somewhat lazy. Despite that Taurus make great friends and can surely protect those they love.

Gemini: The Twins

Gemini are highly intelligent and clever. They are witty, charming and naturally flirty. Gemini are flexible but also superficial. Since they can be emotionally distant, devious and somewhat two faced. Their two fadedness comes from their desire to please everyone. Overall though Gemini are interesting people with great enthusiasm, who will always bring a good time with them wherever they go.

Cancer: The Crab

Cancer are very sensitive. They're loyal, dependable and caring. Since they're extremely protective of their friends and family, they may be very clingy. They even have a bent to be moody, self-pitying and self-absorbed. Cancer sign is one of the hardest to understand, but generally, they are the kindest Zodiac signs.

Leo: The Lion

Leos are bold, ambitious, and encouraging. They know what they need, and one they want it. They are generous and confident, though perhaps, sometimes, a little too confident. Their confidence can lead them to be vain, pretentious, and melodramatic. Although they are independent, they prefer to have an audience to admire them. Consequently, they make exciting friends with their outgoing and social nature.

Virgo: The Virgin

Virgos are hard-working, analytical, and observing, but while they're very reliable and precise in their work, Virgos can be fussy and inflexible. As one of the more reserved Zodiac signs, Virgos also can be cold and rather skeptical. But once you warm up to them, they're great friends you can trust, and look to for advice.

Libra: The Balance

Libras are peaceful, and somewhat lazy. They come off as warm and friendly people. They're flirty, idealistic, and may see every side to an argument, but that does not stop them from being one among for foremost indecisive Zodiac signs. Libras can also be superficial, vain, and unreliable, making others do their dirty work for them. But generally, they're one among the foremost relaxing Zodiac signs to be around.

Scorpio: The Scorpion

Scorpios are very independent. They're ambitious, passionate, and resourceful. Although most Scorpios have an unyielding nature, they're actually very emotional. Scorpios also need to be in control, which leads to their constant possessiveness and jealousy. They can also be very moody, and manipulative. At the end of the day, however, Scorpios are very loyal and trustworthy, so don't be afraid to tell them a secret.

Sagittarius: The Archer

As one of the more adventurous Zodiac signs, Sagittarius are always up for a good time, with their energetic yet optimistic personality. They are very independent, and love learning about new things. Sagittarius are very unemotional, as they try to put logic over feelings. Although they can be reckless, Sagittarius make fun friends with their selflessness and overall geniality.

Capricorn: The Goat

Capricorns are very responsible. They're independent, helpful, and intriguing, but they'll lack imagination thanks to their hard-working temperament. They can also be somewhat stern and melancholy at times. This, however, makes them very organized, and good at time management. Overall, Capricorns are very sympathetic, caring, and have a unique sense of humor.

Aquarius: The Water bearer

Aquarius are progressive thinkers. They're all about change and ideas. Aquarius are witty, and sarcastic, in order that they always have a joke to inform you. They can be rebellious, stubborn, emotionally detached, and aloof, since they're always trying to be different. Aquarius are intellectually driven, however, so if you ever need help, or someone to conspire with, call an Aquarius.

Pisces: The Fishes

Pisces can be very clingy. They always need someone to keep them grounded. Pisces may be oversensitive, but that just means they're extremely dedicated to helping out friends. Pisces are very intuitive, imaginative, and adaptable. They love adventure, so your friendship with a Pisces will surely be fulfilling.

Now that you know the characteristics of each Zodiac, what's your Zodiac sign? Do you think your Zodiac's characteristics match your own?
Zodiac Signs and what they say about you

Thanks, have a great day..... God Bless ♥♥♥


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