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Global Tiger Day

Global Tiger Day

International Tiger Day (29th July)

Global Tiger Day
Every year 29 July is celebrated across the world as Global or International Tiger Day. It is celebrated to create awareness about tiger conservation and protection of natural habitat of Tigers.
Now the question arises why 29 July ?
This is because 29 July act as a reminder of agreement signed by countries at Saint Petersburg tiger woods summit in Russia in 2010.To raise awareness about decline of global tiger population. Signatories declared an agreement that government of Tigers= populated countries would double animal's population by 2022.


Observing World Tiger Day is significant because according to the World Wildlife Fund currently there are only around 3000 wild tigers involved. As per reports since the beginning of  20th century around 95 percent of global tiger population has been lost to various activities such as poaching etc.
International Tiger Day

Causes of Decline in their numbers.

  • Hunting and illegal trade - Tigers are used to hunt to fulfill the demand of their body parts from whiskers to tail. For traditional Chinese medicines they fetch high prices in the illegal wildlife trades.
  • Habitat Loss - Clearing of forests for various purposes like agriculture purpose. Timber development activities led to the loss of 93 percent of natural habitat of tigers. Its habitat has been fragmented lowering chances of survival. is also leading to conflict to humans where both are competing.
  • Climate change and rising sea level - As a result of climate change is wiping out Sundarbans, one of the last remaining habitats of majestic royal Bengal Tigers.
  • Diseases - Several diseases are also the key factor. Several animals die and there is no way to ascertain the cause of their death. Certain diseases spread epidemic like felon pan leukopenia, tuberculosis etc.
International Tiger Day

Some interesting facts about tigers

  • Presently tigers populate 13 countries where they roam around naturally.
  1. Bangladesh
  2. Bhutan
  3. Cambodia 
  4. China 
  5. India
  6. Indonesia 
  7. Laos 
  8. Malaysia 
  9. Myanmar 
  10. Nepal 
  11. Russia 
  12. Thailand 
  13. Vietnam
International Tiger Day
  • Tigers are the largest cat species in the worlds and third largest carnivore on the land. Only Polar bear and brown bears are larger Siberian.
  • Siberian tigers weigh up to 660 pounds.
  • At top speed tigers clock nearly 40 mph.
  • The name of a large wild cat with large black stripes comes from the ancient Persian word tag means fast and sharp.
  • Tigers are always on the move their turf can be as large as 686 square miles or thousand square kilometers.
  • Like other cats tigers are carnivores and they are essential to keep their range in an ecological balance.
  • They prey on smaller animals that are herbivores and so maintain a balance between the plant-eating animals and the vegetation on which they feed.
  • An adult tiger consumes up to 88 pounds of meat in one meal.
  • The average lifespan of a wild tiger is 10 to 15 years.
  • Unlike most pig cats tigers are powerful swimmers not only they do swim but they also swim great distances to hunt or cross rivers.
  • Young tigers often play in water an adult launch in streams or lakes to stay cool during the heat of the day.
  • Tigers are the only cat species that are entirely striped when shaved their skin has the identical stripe as the fur.
  • While other cats mew tigers do not mew tiger vocalizations include roaring, growling, hissing.
Try not to buy things that includes tiger skins jewelry made from claws and teeth tiger whiskers, tiger bone wine, tiger meat and any medicine that contain tiger derivatives.
International Tiger Day

Thanks, Have a Great Day..... God Bless ♥♥♥


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