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The Summer Olympic Games

Summer Olympic Games
The Olympic Games play a vital role not only in sportsmanship but also in promoting cultural cohesiveness and peaceful coexistence around the world. Olympics occur every four years as a major world event involving several countries. Also, the Olympics do not only bring together sports participants, but also spectators from far and beyond who come cheer and celebrate their countries. The mega-sporting event has a considerable impact on both individual's life as well as the global community, through interaction and mingling, people get to know the value of one another. 
It enhances the cognitive development of a person through exposure and involvement at all stages of the games. These games help in defining and shaping our identities as an individual nationwide and globally. 

According to the historical background of the Olympic Games, it was an international event with one primary objective of uniting the people of the world. It defines the greatest manifestations in the field of sports by enlisting ultimate achievements since time immemorial.
The International Committee of Olympics enlists and registers all the sporting activities and classifies them as Olympic Games. Depending on the seasons, we have summer and winter Olympics. However this article will be focusing on the Summer Olympics.
Moreover, based on the history, Olympics served as a symbol of peace. 

For example when the Olympic Games commenced all ongoing wars in various parts of the world stopped for the period in which the games were running.
Summer Olympic Games
It brought people who were enthusiastic about sports and promoted a healthy lifestyle, the society began engaging in sporting activities as a way of staying physically fit. Summer Olympic Games are normally held between July and August. This is because at this time of the season, the weather is deemed favorable for athletes from all over the world. 
For instance the next Summer Olympic Games will be happening in Tokyo. In the host country, for example temperatures is at peak and cool humidity, hence it is not a threat to the health of the athletes and other visiting guests. Moreover, during these periods television networks are able to capture the events without signal failure. 
Tokyo happened to have hosted another Summer Olympic game in 1964. Normally, before a decision is made on when to host, the events the International Olympic Committee IOC welcomes the bidders and state the period of the year in which the games are to be conducted. Thus, Japan landed in July and August. Furthermore, tight programs towards the last quarter of the year, makes July and August a suitable period for the occasion.

Why do we Conduct the Olympic Games during the Summer Season

Friendly Climate

Summer Games began to be hosted during this period of the year in 1976. It's much easier to cope up with harsh sunlight than extreme cold during winter. Countries that will host the event, if not in the summertime, calendar dates are adjusted. For instance the weather in Tokyo is expected to be sunny, with temperatures running up to 40 degrees Celsius. 
Unlike the last 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio, Tokyo's case is different since a team of qualified researchers went to examine the grounds temperature, humidity, wind speed among other weather conditions. 
Summer Olympic Games

Summer Seasons have Prime Time for the Olympic Games

Research indicates that due to public demand for watching the Olympics live, choosing an ideal time is very important. Besides, a lot of money is paid by television channels to air the activities live from the venue. In October a lot of other field events and sports will be going on such as, the NFL American football, baseball playoffs in the USA and again in Europe football leagues will be starting. 
Hence, in this July-august window the major activity going on in the world is the Olympic Games, thus it receives exclusive coverage and ideal weather throughout the period. 
So, Summer Olympic Games are mainly conducted during this period because of a friendly climate and cool weather that is health-wise deemed better compared to winter seasons.

Benefits of Summer Olympic Games to the Host Country

  • It is often challenging to discern the major facts amid all the hoopla in a mega-sporting event. However, a team of economic scholars happen to have identified major impacts of the Summer Olympic Games mainly on the host country. In terms of costs, the host country has to dig deeper into their finances to ensure infrastructural development is up to standard, this includes : housing and space for accommodation, establishing some specific sporting infrastructure and identifying the venue and general operational costs that cater for administration, security and other ceremonies.
  • The country benefits by : enjoying a short-term revenue of tourists who spend. The Olympic legacy is a source of pride for the country and its history. In the first-class country like Japan, the business would improve, services are enhanced thorough infrastructural development across the country and international financing as well.
  • Mark you cost benefits for the host country tend to remain almost equal in value due to the country's expenditure on the event.
  • Olympic games improve a sense of pride among people of the world by being a participant or a spectator of the event. The global identity and unity embedded in this world-class event are of great importance to promoting a peaceful coexistence among people. 
  • It is courtesy of Summer Olympic Games that talents are nurtured, records are broken and history is created. 
  • The international status accorded to this mega sport activity is due to its realized role in the development of a society that embraces mutual upbringing. 
Summer Olympic Games
The main outstanding difference between winter and summer Olympics is the season of the year in which the sports are done. 
Moreover, technology has been the source of insight into ensuring the Olympics maintain a culture of unity and togetherness all across the world. 
Nowadays, due to technology, Olympic tickets can be acquired online from wherever part of the world. Through critical analysis of the Summer Olympics, it has always served its purpose to the latter. 
Summer Olympic Games

Thanks, Have a great day.... God Bless ♥♥♥


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