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Is 2020 a Cursed Year?

Is 2020 a cursed Year?

As we all know how this year is going on, keeping these things in mind so many questions come to our mind out of which the very first is - Is 2020 a cursed year?
In the beginning year started with so many celebrations, wishes and hopes. Everybody has their own planning regarding their career, business and personal life. Many of us has taken new resolutions. Similarly i did, i promised myself certain things and wished it would be the best year of my life. And i guess others also had made the same decisions. But after two months of the year everything got changed : Viruses, Locusts attack, Cyclones, Floods and Mother nature.

is 2020 a cursed year?

2020 is the beginning of an entirely new decade a whole new age of humanity as a matter of fact. So many things have been estimated to happen in 2020 which will change the entire direction of where we go as a civilization but today I'm going to unfortunately have to stifle all of that with the actual hard truth in reality 2020.What will happen in this year, what will make this year the absolute worst year that we've ever experienced so far. We're off to a rocky starting to the beginning of this year it's only been January and then a couple of days in the February but yet we have experienced things that we have probably not expected to experience in many many decades. I think 2020 is going to be the best year ever because so-and-so said this will happen or this is going to happen or this is supposed to happen or this new source said this is going to happen but the problem is everything is always directed towards the upside. No one wants anything bad to be circulated and no one wants panic or outrage to happen all throughout the society. The most prominent place where society likes to propagate and enjoy themselves on the Internet is watching YouTube. One of the biggest websites on this internet.
The corona virus which is a strain of the common cold flu virus which has never been seen before there is absolutely no adaptivity to humans within the immune system that we currently have and there is absolutely no natural remedies or any kind of treatment that could help cure it. It is 100 percent immune to every single kind of thing we throw at it numbers of this virus has been argued across many countries and across many aspects of the internet but it is commonly assured that the virus numbers have been greatly throttled by the actual countries of where it exists in. It is mathematically estimated that despite the relatively low numbers of infected patients of this virus that there are currently over four to ten million total people in the world that are infected with this. So why is this such a big deal well in case you weren't paying attention in your ninth grade algebra class there's something called an exponential function something of which goes up exponentially and which is also known as a straight-line in the logarithmic function. This means that more and more people will get infected as the virus gets more and more infectious. Which will inevitably make the virus even more prone to get more and reaching every single possible corner of the globe. If it continues on its upwards projection it will estimately infect around 2.5 billion people the estimated death tolls of this are obviously highly arguable. But it is estimated that the actual death rate of this virus could be anywhere between 2 and upwards of 10 percent but it will get even worse if the current scenario keeps playing on. I have no intentions of spreading ill-will or negativity across the Internet of course but I think it's highly important to discuss the more likely scenarios of the deadly future that may lie ahead for us. We know what happens during pandemics like this when billions of people are infected without even knowing about it the sovereign nations and superpowers that every single ability to try to do anything about it will do everything in their power to cut down on the spread of this virus leading into the discontinuation of trade and natural economic resources that commonly take place in every single day life. The major areas of production for all of the valuation of the United State's product and commercial economy mainly being that of China, which is unfortunately coincidentally where this virus is being most prominent.

Locust Attack in India.

North India is being threatened by a swamp offer desert locusts which is traveling from Pakistan came to Rajasthan in febrile parts of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh as well. Now the experts believe that these locusts could in fact hurt the farmlands, the crops not only in North India but also Delhi could lose a lot of green cover if they manage to reach here. Take a look at this attack of the locust in our already distressed situation because of the covid-19.This pandemic wasn't enough a cyclone tore through Bengal and now locust swarms of locusts over Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh attacking fields eating up standing crop within hours. Over 1 lakh 4000 acres of cotton, pulses and vegetable crops have been totally destroyed. To minimize crop damage state governments have activated a pesticide campaign, farmers on their own are using smoke loud noise to ward off swarms beating collies. Swarms of locusts have dotted northern and central India and are moving with the wind direction terrifying cities squatting on rooftops, this is a roof in Jaipur the pink city. 

Locust attack in India

Cyclone Amphan in India

As we speak there is a powerful storm slamming into eastern India. It could be the worst, the area has seen in 20 years. It has just made landfall near India's border with Bangladesh. There are millions of people in its paths and there is serious danger from heavy wind and rain. Millions of people have been evacuated both in India and Bangladesh. With the statistics showing that 33 million people could be impacted by this storm in one way or the other. Evacuation efforts being carried out at a war footing but the biggest challenge has been where to put these people who have been taken out of low-lying areas and in residential areas that are close to the coastline. Usually you have schools and cyclone shelters that are pressed into service at times like these but these institutions and establishments are already being used as quarantine facilities for COVID -19 patients and suspected patients which is why the biggest task at hand was to remove people who were quarantined there. Send them home for self isolation completely thoroughly sanitized these establishments and then move people into these shelters.

Cyclone Amphan in India

Thanks, Have a Great Day..... God Bless ♥♥♥


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