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Parenting In 21st Century

Parenting In 21st Century

Parenting in 21st Century Facts

In todays world everybody is busy in their own work, even the parents do not have enough time to spend with their children. There is no quality time left between children and their parents. Parents are busy in their office work while due to lack of time parents join their children various tuition classes. So that their studies wont affect. But this brings a lot of communication gap between both which makes their child depress, stressed or aggressive in nature. Lets have some look over some points over parenting in 21st century.
Parenting in 21st Century

When your kids were this small they used to tell you everything after coming back home. They used to tell you even if you did not ask. You had to listen even if you did not have time. Today you run behind them asking what they did the whole day. Does it not happen? Earlier they used to come behind us to tell us things today we run behind them. But they close their room doors and add passwords on their phones. They do not tell you even if you ask them. And if you pressurize them to answer, they may not say the truth. Now we know where the parenting in 21st century changes or where the change come in relationships.

Where did the Relationship Change?

Parenting in 21st Century

They used to tell us everything but now they have stopped telling us. Why? Because when they were this small and shared things we would feel happy to listen to them. We used to accept them Every soul - please make this a mantra of your life "Every soul needs acceptance" So when they shared things while they were small, we used to feel happy and accept them as they were, they used to tell us something daily.
Once they grew up they came to you and suppose they told you "Mom you know what happened today, we bunked classes and we went for a movie." How did we react to that? Did we smile? No. That kid shared it using his Sanskar (Habit) of honesty, just as he did when he was younger. But that day from our side, instead of acceptance he got rejection for the first time. After a few days he said something else and again got rejection from us. so gradually he stopped telling us We thought he stopped doing those things and hence not telling us anything. But he did not stop doing anything he only stopped telling us things. 
Is going to a movie by bunking school wrong?
Is it wrong for them to try a cigarette if they are at a party? 
Is it wrong to come back late in the night from a party? 
Is it wrong to over-speed his car when driving? 

Yes it is. 

Parenting in 21st Century facts

But when everyone in the class is going and if someone does not go they make fun of him and then they separate him from their group and he wants to be a part of that group. Now is it right for him to feel tempted to go? But we did not say this to our kid that day. We had to say and we had to believe that you like doing what everyone around you is doing, you feeling like doing whatever is in the vibration around you, It is right from your side. If you had spoken like that, your kid would have come so close to you. And then we could have told him, "But what you are thinking of doing" "It is not right for you." "You are right, but that thing is not right for you." Is there a difference between them? "You are right." "Your temptation is also right." "But, this thing is not right for you." Now you got their respect, they became closer to you So there is a higher chance that they will be influenced by what you say. But we scold them saying "You are wrong, What are you doing? Is this what I taught you? What will people say?" Kids will distance themselves from you. Now they will start bunking classes and not even tell you. In today's world If you want to protect your children then there is only one way and that they should be able to come and tell you everything that is happening in their life. Absolutely everything. And that everything may not be what you always will like. It will not be. But you want to take care of them and protect them? They have to come and tell you everything. And that is why there are counselors in schools today.

What is the difference between a Counselor and a Parent? 

Why is there a difference between a counselor and a parent? There was a time when there were no counselors. There were no counselors in the school, isn't it? Today every school is mandated to have a counselor. What is the difference? Why does a child go to an absolute stranger to talk about his problems, instead of going to his parents? Why? What is the difference between a counselor and a parent? See the difference counselor parent - A counselor won't scold and the most important thing, if you are a counselor and if I come and tell you that I made this mistake Not just a mistake, suppose I have committed a huge blunder, It is possible for children to commit blunders today and if I come and tell you then while listening to me within you, there will be no critical or judgmental thought created for me. So when there is no such thought created within you about me then what kind of vibration will I get from you? Respect and accept in spite of what I have done. This is unconditional acceptance. And because I am getting those vibrations from you I am comfortable telling everything. But what happens when the child says the same thing to his parents? Not just in words, even in thoughts This (negative) vibration stops the child from telling us anything. And then who will help them? A counselor can only listen to them. But they cannot give love, power and blessings like parents. So the need of the hour is that every parent will need to become? Yes? And which means that every soul will need to become a counselor to every other soul. Which means that we will see the soul, their sanskar, their behavior but inside? No critical or judgmental thoughts and no questioning their behavior.
Parenting in 21st Century
Thanks, Have a Great Day.... God Bless ♥♥♥


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