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Drug Addiction

Drug Addiction

Drug Addiction in Teenagers

Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is a problem which is now spread in the whole world specially in teenagers. Many children become hooked in to different types substances and stimulating medicines that comes hand-in-hand with narcotic effect. The lifetime of addicts becomes spoiled altogether aspects, as they lose contact with their family and sleep in a special world. They spend lots of money on drugs, and then look for ways to earn money illegally. If we compare the health problems, there are many dangerous effects of medicine.
Drug Addiction in India image
The most disturbing things about white plague is that folks in several countries of the planet are getting hooked in to all types of medicine. There are differing types of street drugs like - cocaine, meth, marijuana, crack, heroin etc. Heroin is one among the damaging drugs that suppress your heart's work and is acceptable to realize narcotic effect.
  Effects of Drug addiction
The alarming rate of drug consumption has always been a drug and has detrimental effects on the society. Personal and family problems also cause substance abuse among youngsters who fail to affect personal problems. The physiological effects of white plague are often difficult to endure and this is often why the addict must be treated for his or her condition. The worst thing is that drugs are that they affect youth in every country of the planet.
  Effects of Drug addiction
These drugs have adverse effects on brain and body cells of the patients. The addict becomes hooked in to the drug to an excellent that he/she cannot stop using it. Despite of getting knowledge of its effects on health, addicts use it on a daily basis.
 Drug addiction in India
Drug addiction is essentially a brain disorder that changes the functioning of brain. There is an uncontrollable desire to consume drugs, as a result of which addicted people engage in compulsive behavior to require drugs. The addicts find it impossible to regulate the intake of medicine, as a result of which they fail to satisfy day-to-day responsibilities in efficient manner. Drug addiction is additionally referred as a drug dependency, because the addict develops dependency for particular substance.

Why are Drugs Especially Dangerous for Young People?

Young people's brains are growing and developing until they're their mid-20's. This is especially true of the prefrontal cortex, which is used to make decisions. Taking drugs when young can interfere with developmental processes occurring within the brain. It can also affect their decision-making. They may be more likely to do risky things, such as dangerous driving.
 Drug addiction in India
The earlier children start using drugs, the greater their chances of continuous of use them and become addicted later in life. Taking drugs once you are young can contribute to the development of adult health problems, like heart condition, high vital sign and sleep disorders.

Which Drugs Most Commonly used by Young People?

The drugs that are most ordinarily employed by children are alcohol, tobacco and marijuana. Recently, more children have started vaping tobacco and marijuana. Their is still a lot we don't know about the dangers of vaping. Some people have unexpectedly gotten very ill or have even died after vaping. Because of this, children should stand back from vaping.
 Drug addiction in India

Why do Young People Take Drugs?

There are many various reasons why a youth may take drugs, including:
  • To fit in: Young people may drug because they need to be accepted by the friends or peers who do drugs.
  • To feel Good: Abused drugs can produce feeling of pleasure.
  • To Feel Better: Some children suffer from depression, anxiety, stress-related disorders and physical pain. They may drug to undertake to urge some relief.
  • To do Better in Academics or Sports: Some children may take stimulants for studying or anabolic steroids to enhance their athletic performance.
  • To Experiment: Young people often want to undertake new experiences, especially ones that they think are thrilling or daring.

Which Children are in Danger for Drug use?

 Various factors that raise a young person's risk for using drugs, including:
  • Stressful early life experience, such child abuse, child sexual abuse and other forms of trauma.
  • Genetics.
  • Prenatal exposure to alcohol or other drugs.
  • Lack of parental supervision or monitoring.
  • Having peers and/or friends who use drugs. 

What are the Signs that a Youth Features a Drug Problem?

  • Changing friends a lot. 
  • Spending a lot of time alone.
  • Losing interest in favorite things.
  • Not taking care of themselves - for instance, not taking showers, changing clothes or brushing their teeth.
  • Being really tired and sad.
  • Eating more and eating less than usual.
  • Being very energetic, talking fast or saying things that do not add up.
  • Being in a bad mood.
  • Quickly changing between feeling bad to feeling good.
  • Missing important appointments.
  • Having problems at college - missing class, getting bad grades.
  • Having problems in personal or family relationships.
  • Lying and stealing.
  • Memory loss, lack of concentration in any kind of work, lack of coordination, stammered speech etc.

Can Drug use in Young People be Prevented?

Drug use and addiction are preventable. Prevention programs involving families, schools, communities and therefore the media may prevent or reduce drug use and addiction. These programs include education and outreach to help people understand the risks of drug use. One can prevent their children from taking drugs through 
  • Good communication with your children.
  • Encouragement, so your children can build their confidence and a strong sense of self. It helps parents to reduce conflict.
  • Teaching your children problem-solving skills.
  • Setting limits, to teach your children self-control and responsibility, provide safe boundaries and show them that you care.
  • Stay involved knowing your children's friends and supervise their activities in a better way.
Effects of drug addiction

Thanks, Have a Nice Day..... God Bless 💖💖💖


  1. J'ai lu ce blog. c'est vraiment incroyable et utile.Merci pour le partage d'informations.
    centre de désintoxication france


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