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Showing posts from May, 2020

हमारी भारतीय संस्कृति (Our Indian Culture)

भूमिका:                  भारत विविधताओं का देश है, जहाँ अलग-अलग धर्म, जाति, पंथ, तथा लिंग के लोग आपस में मिल-जुल कर रहते हैं।  अनेकता में एकता ही भारतीय संस्कृति की मूल पहचान है| भारतीय संस्कृति सबसे प्राचीन संस्कृति होने के बावजूद भी आज अपने नैतिक मूल्यों और परंपराओं को बनाए हुए है| प्रेम, धर्म, राजनीति, दर्शन, भाईचारा, आदर, सम्मान, परोपकार, भलाई, मानवता आदि भारतीय संस्कृति की मुख्य विशेषताएं हैं| भारत में रहने वाले सभी लोग अपनी संस्कृति का आदर करते हैं और इसकी गरिमा को बनाए रखने में अपना सहयोग करते हैं| संस्कृति की परिभाषा:              किसी देश, जाति, समुदाय आदि की पहचान उसकी संस्कृति से होती है| संस्कृति देश के सभी जाति, धर्म, समुदाय को उसके संस्कारों का बोध कराती है| जिससे उन्हें अपने नैतिक मूल्यों पर चलने की प्रेरणा मिलती है और अच्छी भावनाओं का विकास होता है| विरासत में मिले विचार, कला, शिल्प, वस्तु आदि ही किसी देश की संस्कृति कहलाती है| संस्कृति शब्द का अर्थ:                संस्कृति शब्द मुख्य रूप से संस्कार से बना हुआ है, जिसका शाब्दिक अर्थ होता है सुधारने अथवा

Is Social Media Making Us Unsocial?

Addiction of Social Media Currently, in the human history, the world is continuously progressing and changing no time ever before than we imagine. People also are changing who do day to day routine. The modern society has become excessively more and more obsessed with technology in the shape of cell phone, tablets and many others tech creatures. The most frequent question often asked by the people that how technology has changed us over the years, even important for the better or worse. Social networking has transformed the way we interact and met with others. However, It's very threatening situation to a most of the folks that thanks to the addiction with the social media websites and apps like Facebook, Yahoo, Tinder, Line, Vine and many others,  we are losing interaction in real lives with other people who even are very close to us. According to some researchers, people that are but thirty usually have an obsession of social media platforms. According to Finding the New


Power of Motivation We all know the power of motivation. When we are motivated, we experience such a strong self that no dream is just too big for us. Motivation becomes the fuel for the life which helps you achieve your dreams. Don't Wait for Perfection, Start Now: When we have dreams, we have a passion. When we have a passion, we would like to try to do it with perfection. Often when we have some goals, we would like to try to do it with a blast.  We want to become an over night star. We want to realize best as soon as possible..... Your Determination Determines Your Destiny: What is your dream life? What kind of destiny you want to create yourself? At one point, we have a clue what it could be. However, it keeps changing with the time. We tend to possess another dream or goals simply because the sooner one seems impossible to realize....... Life isn't because it is But as We are: We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our tho

Junk Food

Junk Food                                                                       What is Junk Food?                                                                                                            Junk foods can be defined as a processed food which are generally of high in calories and negligible amount of protein and nutrients. Junk food includes sweets, candy, chocolates, fried fast food and carbonated beverages. As it is said : The journey of thousand pounds begins with a single burger Is Junk Food Good or Bad For Health? Consuming excess of junk food leads to obesity, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and fatigue. It can be also measured by its name "Junk Food". The word "Junk" refers to something which is useless. So we can say that it has totally bad effect on our health and should be avoided. Junk food tastes good that's why it is liked by every age group. Specially it is highly demanded by school going children and te

How to stay Focused

Focus It is a term in Psychology which can be defined as the ability of  mind centering our attention  on a single stimulus. Let's make it simple like if a child is playing a guitar and other is studying. Now the child who is studying has two options, either he can study or play guitar but keeping the present situation study is more important as he can play guitar later. He choose first option, it is focus. Focus can only occur when we say yes to one option and no to all other options. Focus is a key to success. Why people can't stay focused: Now there are two main factors which drives you internally and externally and helps you to remain focused. These two forces determines your ability to remain focused and to avoid distractions. Internal Factor:  It comprises of your state of mind. How much you are internally strong and confident. Your peace of mind and positivity made this factor. It includes your emotions and beliefs.  External Factor:  Second one is your

Animal Cruelty

Cruelty to Animals Animal Cruelty is real and happens in every corner of the world with different types of animals. It should be prevented. Problem is this there are not enough people to fight for animal rights. What is Animal Cruelty: Animal cruelty means gratuitously harming, killing or injuring any animal. It can be kicking, burning, stabbing or depriving an animal of food water and shelter. It is also known as animal abuse. Many animals like rats, dogs, cats, rabbits and birds are killed in laboratories for using them as a purpose of experiments. Every year chemical, drugs, cosmetic testing are performed over them. Besides that many animals are killed for gaining personal benefits such as Elephants are killed for their tusks (to make ornaments and sell them in market).Some people eat animals. There is a market in china where all kinds of animals are offered to eat. Dog is one of them. Animal abuse for Monetary Gain: Selling their body parts Selling

Brother's Day

About Brother's Day                Every 24th May is celebrated as Brother's Day to thank the elder or younger brothers, brothers-in-law, cousins, and even best friend who have become more like brothers in the course of time. The bonding is mostly formed at an early stage in life and simply grows leaps and bounds with time. This brotherly bond is very special and should be celebrated. Reasons Why Your Brother Is So Special? His Love is forever:            Maybe you skipped to call him over the week or forgot to bring his favorite sheet sweet- whatever the reason may be, but your brother never stop loving you. His love is pure and unconditional and that's why no reason and excuses are required for them to love you. Brothers are your Pillars of Strength:                     Life is not always a smooth ride. Sometimes, life gives you bumps and thorns and in all those times, your brother is always there with you. When the result is not satisfactory in spite of