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What Would Happen If We Do Not Drink Water?

What Would Happen If We Do Not Drink Water?                    What would happen if we do not drink water?

As we all know water is life. No one on this earth can live without water. And it is also present everywhere. It is present in the atmosphere as moisture, it is present in our body cells, it is present in soil too. It depends on various factors that how much percent of water a human body consists. These factors are location, age and sex. At an average a human body contains 60-70% water. But in a new born baby the water composition on its first birthday is of 65%. 

Role of Water in Our Body

How much amount of water we actually need to drink so that we can stay healthy and fit ?

The main role of water to play in our body is that 

  • It keeps our body hydrated.
  • It helps to lubricate joints.
  • It helps to regulate temperature of our body.
  • It helps to nourish the brain and body cells of a human being.
  • Lungs have 83% of moisture and dry human bones are 31% moist.

But the thing is if we are essentially made of water, and surrounded by water, why do we still need to drink so much?

Everyday we lose 2-3 liters of water through our sweat, urine, and bowel movements, and even just from breathing. These all functions performed by our body are essential for our survival so we have to compensate for the water loss. Maintaining a balanced water level in our body is also important to avoid conditions like dehydration and over-dehydration which can affects our overall health.

Dehydration can leads to decrease in energy level , mood, skin moisture, and blood pressure, as well as signs of cognitive impairment. A dehydrated brain works harder to accomplish an equivalent amount as a traditional brain, and it even temporarily shrinks due to  lack of water. 

Over-hydration, or hyponatremia, is usually caused by over consumption of water in a short amount of time. Athletes are often the victims of over-hydration because of complications in regulating water levels in extreme physical conditions. Whereas the dehydrated brain amps up the assembly of vasopressin, the over-hydrated brain slows, or may be stops, releasing it into the blood. Sodium electrolytes in the body become diluted, causing cells to swell. 

In severe cases, the kidneys can't keep up with the resulting volumes of dilute urine. But that's a pretty extreme situation.

But on a regular basis or in our daily routine it is easy to maintain water level in our body. It is said by many doctors and our elders too that we should drink at least eight glass of water in a day to stay healthy and fit. That estimate has since been fine-tuned. But the thing is that the required amount of water we should take is largely depends on our weight and environment. The recommended daily intake varies from between 2.5-3.7 liters of water for men, and about 2-2.7 liters for women, a range that is pushed up or down if we are healthy, active, old, or overheating.

To keep our body hydrated one should have lots of fruits and vegetables at equal intervals of time One should eat strawberries, cucumber, broccoli, watermelon which are rich in water content and have up to 90% of water in them. Along with water they also provide essential nutrients and fibers to our body which helps to maintain our health and keeps us fit. On the other hand drinking water on a proper way also keeps us away from many diseases and lowers the risk of  stroke. It also have many long term benefits. So make it a habit and feel the change in your day to day functions and energy level within you.

What would happen if we do not drink water?

Thanks, Have a great day.... God Bless ♥♥♥

Also Read : Save Water Save Life


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