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Fashion And Modern Youth

Fashion And Modern Youth:

Fashion And Modern Youth pic
To vogue or popular life style is named the style . Modern youth totally depends on fashion activities. Without fashion our life haven't any taste because we've adopted fashion in each steps in our life. Human being cannot live on one taste. As we can’t eat same dish everyday likewise, we cannot spend our life on old fashion. We want to make our life colorful. We feel pleasure thanks to color of lovely various things like fashion. Human nature is that he wants to adopt new and delightful things because old things have lost their importance. Fashion and modern youth are now become a neighborhood of fashion world.
Fashion And Modern Youth pic

Girls Fashion Style:

In the every era, people like fashion. They want to look different and fashionable. People focus their dressing, hairstyle, footwear, walking style. way of talking and behavior. We can’t ignore the importance of fashion girls and boys have more interest in fashion. Girls wear usually Shalwar and Kameez, jeans and tights with loose cloth consistent with the style.
They wear “Saris” and some girls like to wear jeans and shirts. Girls can’t ignore their hairstyle. They change their hairstyle according to fashion. They wear shoes according to their heights. Short heights girls long heels and long heights girls wear short heals. They choose the shoes consistent with their dress color. Even their way of talking , walking, and gestures consistent with the style .
We know that, Girls wear various sorts of dresses on various ceremonies as on the marriage ceremony. They wear heavy dress like saris , sharara and use dark makeup according of their dress. On the parties, they wear lights dresses like shalwar and kameez, jeans and tights with loose cloth and sometimes, they wear saris and use light makeup.
Fashion And Modern Youth pic

Boys Fashion Style:

Boys like new and trendy clothes consistent with the style . They adopt fashion in the films or TV. Their way of walking, talking and behavior sometime even gestures consistent with the film action. They want to love wear loose and tight paints. Each they wear shirts which have color and sleeves of 1 shape. Their way of hairstyle like a filmy hero. The numbers of the student have French beard.
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Where Youth Adopt the Fashion:

The wealthy and affluent students want to look different. Therefore, they change their style sooner or later. Other people copying their fashion. Sometimes, students watching T.V and copying the fashions of actors. They also try to adopt this type of fashion and other people their fashion. Fashion has essential past in our life. We can’t overlook the significance of fashion. Fashion builds up our personality, and grow up our confidence level.

Disadvantages of Modern Youth:

Similarly, we all know that mostly things have many disadvantages on the opposite hand, this stuff have disadvantages. This true, Where fashion make our life colorful, attractive and make us active or smart. But this is often horrible true that thanks to fashion sometimes, we ignore the poor people’s and feel irritation existence of poor Peoples.
Secondly, Students waste their precious time getting latest kind of fashionable things instead of buying precious books. They overlook their study before fashion and additional curricular activities. Number of parents, Who can not bear the expense of fashionable things. Due to fashion society has divided in various parts like upper class, middle class and lower class. Humanity has lost their significance. It is harmful for us.


After read fashion and modern youth article, we will conclude that, Students look beautiful, once they are simple. On the opposite hand, Its depend upon us, How we will utilize it. Students should care that , don’t spend his valuable time on these useless things. 
Thanks, Have a great day...... God Bless💖💖💖


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