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World Ozone Day

World Ozone Day

World Ozone Day is observed on September 16 once a year to spread awareness among people about the depletion of ozonosphere. This year marks 35 years of the Vienna Convention. On today, people from everywhere the planet hold talks and seminars on the ozonosphere. Educators teach students about the advantages of the ozonosphere and special events and activities are organized to spread awareness. This year the slogan for World Ozone Day is 'Ozone For Life'.
"On Ozone Day we celebrate 35 years of the Vienna Convention to guard the ozonosphere and its Montreal Protocol, which united the world to chop out gases creating a hole within the ozonosphere. we'd like this same sense of purpose and collaboration to affect all environmental threats," Inger Anderson, executive, UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) said during a video message before World Ozone Day.

What is Ozonosphere? 

The ozonosphere protects the earth from Ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. Ozone is made from three atoms of oxygen. it's highly reactive gas and is represented by O3. It occurs naturally also as a man-made product within the Earth's upper atmosphere i.e. stratosphere and lower atmosphere i.e. troposphere. The ozonosphere is present in Earth’s atmosphere (15-35km above Earth) within the lower portion of the stratosphere and has relatively high concentrations of ozone (O3). Naturally, it's formed through the interactions of solar UV radiation with molecular oxygen O2. It reduces the harmful UV radiation reaching the surface.
The main explanation for ozone depletion and thus the opening is manufactured chemicals, especially manufactured halocarbon refrigerants, solvents, propellants, and foam- blowing agents (chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), HCFCs, halons). Since the first 1970's, scientists observed reduction in stratospheric ozone and it had been found more prominent in Polar Regions. ODS substances have a lifetime of about 100 years.

Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozonosphere 

The scientific confirmation of the depletion of the ozonosphere prompted the international community to work out a mechanism for cooperation to need action to protect the ozonosphere. This was formalized within the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the ozonosphere, which was adopted and signed by 28 countries, on 22 March 1985. In September 1987, this led to the drafting of The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the ozonosphere .

What is Montreal Protocol?

The Montreal Protocol, signed on September 16, 1987, is a world treaty planned to guard ozonosphere by reducing the assembly of drugs that are liable for ozonosphere depletion. The Montreal Protocol phases down the consumption and production of the various ozone depleting substances (ODS) during a step-wise manner, with different timetables for developed and developing countries. Under this treaty, all parties have specific responsibilities associated with the highest of the numerous groups of ODS, control of ODS trade, annual reporting of knowledge, national licensing systems to manage ODS imports and exports, and other matters.
Thanks, Have a great day.... God Bless 💖💖💖


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