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Teacher's Day

Teacher's Day

A Teacher is someone who acts as a guide and inspiration to people – both young and old. He/she is charged with the responsibility of creating awareness as well as opening the mind of people by instilling values, morals, and ethics. Teachers efforts are recognized during the teacher’s day. They shape minds, and that we annually celebrate their contribution to the event of society within the sort of Teachers’ day across the planet . However, We celebrate The International Teachers Day on October 5th annually

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Teacher's Day in India

Teachers are respected and honored for their important contribution in shaping individuals. 5th of September is annually celebrated as Teachers’ day in India. This is actually the birthday of the former President of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

The contributions and efforts made by teachers never go unnoticed. This led to the inauguration of the Teacher’s day which seeks to celebrate the efforts made by the teachers. In India, we celebrate the teacher’s day on the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was known as a man of many great qualities and attributes.

Teachers play many roles in overall development such as:

• They guide children and students to leadership skills

• They instill discipline into young children molding them into future

• Also, they supply their students with spiritual and emotional guidance.

Teachers also come across numerous challenges in their day to day activities such as the unappreciative culture by the community as well as dealing with disciplinary issues of their students. 

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What can we do on Teacher's Day?

A thank-you can go a long way. In our busy lives, we have come to forget expressing gratitude. Many studies have come up explaining the benefits that gratitude can have on the one who expresses it and on the one who receives it. We can take this chance as each day to thank our teachers and express our love and look after them.

• We can suggest and provide assistance by making use of the skills that we have learned over these years.

• Also, we can give them a visit on this day and share with them our experiences. This will for sure make them happy and proud of their efforts.

• We can present a small token of appreciation, something that they could keep as a memory like a pen or a planner or something that would be useful for them.

• We should also seek their blessings and let them know that we are always there for them when they need us.

• Students can collectively gift them books and other materials and organize a get-together especially if the class has graduated.

Time spent with them and gratitude expressed would be a great gesture to make teachers happy and proud. It is very important to recognize their contribution to molding our personality.

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Teachers play an important role in the development of any country. This is why it is vital to set aside a day when the teachers are given the recognition they deserve. We celebrate Teachers’ day to honor the contribution of Teachers in our lives. Duties undertaken by teachers in the upbringing of children is immense and thus being recognized with teachers’ day is a step towards recognizing the profession and the role they play in society.

Teacher's Day pic

Thanks, Have a great day..... God Bless 💖💖💖



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