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Showing posts from July, 2020


Eid-Ul-Zuha Article on Eid-ul-Zuha Eid-ul-Zuha is a famous festival of Muslims. It is also known as 'Eid-ul-Adah' in Arabic. It is also known as 'Bakra-Eid' or 'Bakrid' in the Indian sub continent. Many Muslims in India celebrate this festival. This festival is celebrated on 10th to 13th days of the Islamic month of Dhul Hijja. The word Eid is derived from the Arabic 'iwd' which means festival and the Zuha comes from 'Uzhaiyya' which means sacrifice. Eid-Ul-Zulha is a festival of sacrifice. On this day Muslims sacrifice a goat or a bakra to commemorate the sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm among Muslims all over the world. This festival coincides with Haj pilgrimage in Mecca. Prayers are offered in the mosques and the sacrificial meat is distributed after the Eid prayers. Special delicacies are prepared and served among family and friends on the occasion. Gifts are also exchanged on this auspicious day. Eid-ul-Z

World's Richest Author

World's Richest Author The Motivational Success Story of  J.K. Rowling. The most traumatizing moment in Rowling's life was the day her mother died. She was 25 at the time. The death of her mother shattered her completely. This happened six months after, she began writing "Harry Potter" and she was sorry that her mother never knew that she was writing it. After the death of her mother, she moved to Portugal in 1992 and got married. So, she gave birth to a daughter, Jessica. But things became worse.... Her marriage did not last long and only after 13 months she divorced him and moved to Edinburgh, with her daughter and the first three chapters of "Harry Potter". She was totally depend on state benefits and spent much of her time writing "Harry Potter" in cafes with Jessica sleeping in the pram next to her. An exceptionally short-lived marriage had imploded and I was jobless a lone parent and as poor as possible to be in modern Britain, without being


Olympics The Summer Olympic Games The Olympic Games play a vital role not only in sportsmanship but also in promoting cultural cohesiveness and peaceful coexistence around the world. Olympics occur every four years as a major world event involving several countries. Also, the Olympics do not only bring together sports participants, but also spectators from far and beyond who come cheer and celebrate their countries. The mega-sporting event has a considerable impact on both individual's life as well as the global community, through interaction and mingling, people get to know the value of one another.  It enhances the cognitive development of a person through exposure and involvement at all stages of the games. These games help in defining and shaping our identities as an individual nationwide and globally.  According to the historical background of the Olympic Games, it was an international event with one primary objective of uniting the people of the world. It defines the greatest

Global Tiger Day

Global Tiger Day International Tiger Day (29th July) Every year 29 July is celebrated across the world as Global or International Tiger Day. It is celebrated to create awareness about tiger conservation and protection of natural habitat of Tigers. Now the question arises why 29 July ? This is because 29 July act as a reminder of agreement signed by countries at Saint Petersburg tiger woods summit in Russia in 2010.To raise awareness about decline of global tiger population. Signatories declared an agreement that government of Tigers= populated countries would double animal's population by 2022. Significance Observing World Tiger Day is significant because according to the World Wildlife Fund currently there are only around 3000 wild tigers involved. As per reports since the beginning of  20th century around 95 percent of global tiger population has been lost to various activities such as poaching etc. Causes of Decline in their numbers. Hunting and illegal trade - Tigers are used

World Conservation Day

World Conservation Day World Conservation Day is widely known on 28th of July per annum. World Conservation Day is practiced internationally to increase awareness to protect our natural resources. Nature is facing huge problem like deforestation, illegal wildlife trades. On the rise earth is a home to countless species of flora and fauna. So, we should not harm our nature and planet. Instead of that we need to protect and conserve our natural resources for a healthy environment. In our surroundings we all depend on natural resources like air, water, soil, trees, mineral resources etc. in our day to day life. So to form a correct balance within the wildlife, we'd like to guard the animals who are at the sting of extinction. We as a human being are totally depend on natural resources to fulfill our needs, which we get from our mother earth. So if we do not conserve these resources they will extinct in future. As a result it create a natural imbalance to human lives. Therefore conserv

Zodiac Signs

Zodiac Signs Zodiac Signs and what they say about you. Everyone's heard the age-old question : What is your sign ? When people say "sign" it is assumed that they mean someone's sun sign, which is all the majority of people know about astrology. Sun Signs are the simple aspects of astrology. It mainly refers to the position of the sun at a person's birth. Although astrology is very complex. Since different planets means different things for our personality. Sun Signs provide a basic description of one's self ego and identity. The twelve Sun Signs also referred to as Zodiacs are: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo  Virgo  Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries:   The Ram Aries are very enthusiastic and energetic. However under their natural optimism may lie insecurity, due to their desire to succeed. They are go-getters with a need for adventure and independence, but can get moody, impulsive and selfish because of their low tolerance of boredom. A

Kargil Vijay Diwas

Kargil Vijay Diwas Today we will talk about Kargil Vijay Diwas, which is celebrated every year on 26th July. On this day India achieved victory over Kargil conflict. On this day let's salute to those who sacrificed their life for our country. Kargil war started 19 years ago and on 26th July 1999 India won this war. Kargil war has its root at heart within the history. Let's know about this history more. In the year 1984, India captured the Siachen glacier which was neither in the possession of  India nor in the Pakistan till then. Pakistan was furious about this and despite the Shimla agreement Pakistan initiated crossing the boundaries between the nations and that’s how Kargil war began. Both the Nation were at great loss because of this war and the after effects of this war was terrible. Because of this war Pakistan had to fight with negative international reputation. On the other hand, India set an example by winning this war and because of this India-US relations became stro

Corona Virus World Deaths

Corona Virus World Deaths Corona Virus It started from a seafood market in China and now it is spread all across the world. Here is what we know about the new coronavirus that's freaking out medical experts and governments. The Wuhan corona virus is a mysterious strain and we know very little about it. It's deadly and it can be transmitted from human to human scientists are calling it novel corona virus or an Covid-19. Corona viruses are common in certain species of animals but this specific virus was traced back to a seafood market in the city of Wuhan where a number of wildlife animals are sold for income purpose. One theory is that it started in bats then spread to snakes possibly sold at the market and moved on to humans. Chinese authorities have since imposed a nationwide ban on wildlife trade in markets, supermarkets, restaurants and e-commerce platforms but it was a little too late and it had already been transmitted to humans. The virus can spread from an infected perso

Parenting In 21st Century

Parenting In 21st Century Parenting in 21st Century Facts In todays world everybody is busy in their own work, even the parents do not have enough time to spend with their children. There is no quality time left between children and their parents. Parents are busy in their office work while due to lack of time parents join their children various tuition classes. So that their studies wont affect. But this brings a lot of communication gap between both which makes their child depress, stressed or aggressive in nature. Lets have some look over some points over parenting in 21st century. When your kids were this small they used to tell you everything after coming back home. They used to tell you even if you did not ask. You had to listen even if you did not have time. Today you run behind them asking what they did the whole day. Does it not happen? Earlier they used to come behind us to tell us things today we run behind them. But they close their room doors and add passwords on their pho

Drug Addiction

Drug Addiction Drug Addiction in Teenagers Drug addiction is a problem which is now spread in the whole world specially in teenagers. Many children become hooked in to different types substances and stimulating medicines that comes hand-in-hand with narcotic effect. The lifetime of addicts becomes spoiled altogether aspects, as they lose contact with their family and sleep in a special world. They spend lots of money on drugs, and then look for ways to earn money illegally. If we compare the health problems, there are many dangerous effects of medicine. The most disturbing things about white plague is that folks in several countries of the planet are getting hooked in to all types of medicine. There are differing types of street drugs like - cocaine, meth, marijuana, crack, heroin etc. Heroin is one among the damaging drugs that suppress your heart's work and is acceptable to realize narcotic effect.    The alarming rate of drug consumption has always been a drug and has detrimenta

Is 2020 a Cursed Year?

Is 2020 a cursed Year? As we all know how this year is going on, keeping these things in mind so many questions come to our mind out of which the very first is - Is 2020 a cursed year? In the beginning year started with so many celebrations, wishes and hopes. Everybody has their own planning regarding their career, business and personal life. Many of us has taken new resolutions. Similarly i did, i promised myself certain things and wished it would be the best year of my life. And i guess others also had made the same decisions. But after two months of the year everything got changed : Viruses, Locusts attack, Cyclones, Floods and Mother nature. 2020 is the beginning of an entirely new decade a whole new age of humanity as a matter of fact. So many things have been estimated to happen in 2020 which will change the entire direction of where we go as a civilization but today I'm going to unfortunately have to stifle all of that with the actual hard truth in reality 2020.What will hap

Save Girl Child

Girl Child: There was a time when girls are used to be locked in houses under purdah system and perform only household duties such as cooking and cleaning of house only. They were not allowed to study. The only purpose was that when a girl got young she was married to someone and spend her life as a home maker. But now the scenario is changed, girls are not considered less than boys. They are treated equally as boys in every field. Infect if a girl get a better guidance she can do miracles. We have many live examples who are doing well in their perspective fields whether it may be singing, acting, sports, science & technology etc.    Today the women are in fierce competition with the male population, specially in India. Girls are attaining tops in every department and proving gender imbalance wrong. International Day of the Girl Child will be celebrated on 11th October every year.  After looking at weak statistics  of the girls in the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi began the

What is Depression?

What is Depression? Nowadays,  there comes a lot of cases that we heard, someone commit suicide due to minor reasons which do not have any kind of importance or priority in our life. Recently we got a news of  Mr. Sushant Singh Rajput a well established and well known actor in the Indian film industry (Bollywood) committed suicide due to depression. Depression may be caused by any reason, either it may be of financial reasons, regarding career etc. Depression is a  medical illness which affects how you are feeling , the way you think and the way you act in a negative way. However it's also treatable. It creates a feeling of sadness and lack of interest in activities which are our hobbies. It can cause a spread of emotional and physical problems and may decrease a person’s ability to function at workplace or anywhere else. What is Depression Symptoms? Depression symptoms can vary from mild to severe and may include: Feeling sad or having a depressed mood. Loss of interest in hobbies