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World Ozone Day

World Ozone Day World Ozone Day is observed on September 16 once a year to spread awareness among people about the depletion of ozonosphere. This year marks 35 years of the Vienna Convention. On today, people from everywhere the planet hold talks and seminars on the ozonosphere. Educators teach students about the advantages of the ozonosphere and special events and activities are organized to spread awareness. This year the slogan for World Ozone Day is 'Ozone For Life'. "On Ozone Day we celebrate 35 years of the Vienna Convention to guard the ozonosphere and its Montreal Protocol, which united the world to chop out gases creating a hole within the ozonosphere. we'd like this same sense of purpose and collaboration to affect all environmental threats," Inger Anderson, executive, UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) said during a video message before World Ozone Day. What is Ozonosphere?   The ozonosphere protects the earth from Ultraviolet (UV) rays of the

Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is Power Knowledge Is Power Essay- Knowledge are some things which will serve you your whole life. The most powerful thing within the world is knowledge because it can create and destroy life on earth. Moreover, knowledge helps us distinguish between humans and animals. Knowledge is that the ability to use your knowledge to assist others. Importance of Knowledge There are only a few people out there who truly understand the importance of data . Every educated person is not knowledgeable, but every knowledgeable person is educated. This statement may sound weird but it’s true. In today’s world, almost most are educated still they are doing not have knowledge of the topic that they need studied. Besides, Knowledge are some things that helps you drive a car, ride a motorcycle , solve a puzzle, etc. Knowledge are some things that forestalls us from making an equivalent mistake twice. It is not something that you can buy from you have to earn it. Benefits of Knowledge The knowledg

How Will 2020 Shape 2021?

How Will 2020 Shape 2021? In the year 2020, the whole world is fighting with a virus, which changed the way we live and work at least temporarily. COVID-19 took many lives and made many people jobless. The impact this pandemic created will be there at least for the next few years. No one knows when this pandemic will end, but it is evident that the year 2021 will be different because of the year 2020. The Effect of 2020 on 2021: During COVID-19 pandemic, imports and exports were affected adversely. And it affected many countries. For example, the Automobile industry in India imports components from China. When China was fighting with coronavirus, factories were shut down and as a result, India’s automobile industry had to halt the production. Not just India, but many countries are depending on the imports for many products such as electronics, pharmaceutical ingredients etc. So, in the year 2021, companies will work on diversifying supply chains and countries will work on achieving sel

Gender Inequality At Workplace

Gender Inequality At Workplace Complete equality between male and female employees is an aspiration for several companies. Despite decades of progressive efforts, there’s still a superb deal of inequality in workplaces across the country. In recent years, the govt, employees, and much of companies have worked to kill issues involving salary discrepancies between genders. They’ve also sought to form sure men and ladies receive equal treatment. It’s one of the leading topics within the fashionable business world, so it’s essential your business understand all current laws and your commitments to staff members. In this guide, we explain everything. So, let’s start with the basics. What is Gender Inequality? A company that practices gender equality treats men and ladies the same. This has many implications that your business can easily overlook because of, as an example, a longstanding company culture, personal attitudes, or confusion about current laws. But your business should understand

Benefits of Cycling

Benefits of Cycling

Advantages of Green Tea

Advantages of Green Tea

Advantages of eBooks

Advantages of eBooks What is an eBook? eBook stands for electronic book, which is a digital version of your menu script. eBooks consist of text, images, or both. They can be read on most mobile devices, including: Smartphones, like the iPhone or android; Tablets, like an iPad or surface; and eReaders, like a Kindle or Nook. All of those mobile devices can hold many titles directly. It's like taking a library with you on the go. How do you buy an eBook? You can buy eBooks from thousands of online retailers including Amazon, iBook store. You can also buy eBooks directly from an author's website. Where can I sell my eBook? You can sell your eBook through major retail outlets, like Amazon, in App stores, like iBook and Google Play; and through BookShop, a free online store front exclusively for BookBaby authors.  What are the Advantages of eBooks? eBooks are: Accessible:   eBooks are accessible everywhere. You can download it anywhere and store it for later use. You can go through

How to Boost Your Confidence?

How to Boost Your Confidence? What is Confidence? Take the belief that you are valuable, worth while, and capable, also known as self-esteem, add in the optimism that comes when you are certain of your abilities, act bravely to face any challenge in life. This is confidence. It turns thoughts into action. Where does Confidence Come From? There are several factors that impact confidence.  The factors which impact on your confidence may be internal as well as external factors. The internal factors are the traits and the genes with which you are born. The external factors includes how you are treated with others, the social pressure around your environment. The most important thing is what are the things that you can control over. You can control over the choices you make, the risk taking capacity and how you respond to the challenges that come in your path. Tips to Boost Your Confidence How one can boost his/her confidence level, it is totally depends on him. Firstly you have to create

Fashion And Modern Youth

Fashion And Modern Youth: To vogue or popular life style is named the style . Modern youth totally depends on fashion activities. Without fashion our life haven't any taste because we've adopted fashion in each steps in our life. Human being cannot live on one taste. As we can’t eat same dish everyday likewise, we cannot spend our life on old fashion. We want to make our life colorful. We feel pleasure thanks to color of lovely various things like fashion. Human nature is that he wants to adopt new and delightful things because old things have lost their importance. Fashion and modern youth are now become a neighborhood of fashion world. Girls Fashion Style: In the every era, people like fashion. They want to look different and fashionable. People focus their dressing, hairstyle, footwear, walking style. way of talking and behavior. We can’t ignore the importance of fashion girls and boys have more interest in fashion. Girls wear usually Shalwar and Kameez, jeans and tights wit

Teacher's Day

Teacher's Day A Teacher is someone who acts as a guide and inspiration to people – both young and old. He/she is charged with the responsibility of creating awareness as well as opening the mind of people by instilling values, morals, and ethics. Teachers efforts are recognized during the teacher’s day. They shape minds, and that we annually celebrate their contribution to the event of society within the sort of Teachers’ day across the planet . However, We celebrate The International Teachers Day on October 5th annually Teacher's Day in India Teachers are respected and honored for their important contribution in shaping individuals. 5th of September is annually celebrated as Teachers’ day in India. This is actually the birthday of the former President of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. The contributions and efforts made by teachers never go unnoticed. This led to the inauguration of the Teacher’s day which seeks to celebrate the efforts made by the teachers. In India, we

What Would Happen If We Do Not Drink Water?

What Would Happen If We Do Not Drink Water?                      As we all know water is life. No one on this earth can live without water. And it is also present everywhere. It is present in the atmosphere as moisture, it is present in our body cells, it is present in soil too. It depends on various factors that how much percent of water a human body consists. These factors are location, age and sex. At an average a human body contains 60-70% water. But in a new born baby the water composition on its first birthday is of 65%.  Role of Water in Our Body How much amount of water we actually need to drink so that we can stay healthy and fit ? The main role of water to play in our body is that  It keeps our body hydrated. It helps to lubricate joints. It helps to regulate temperature of our body. It helps to nourish the brain and body cells of a human being. Lungs have 83% of moisture and dry human bones are 31% moist. But the thing is if we are essentially made of water, and surrounded b


  Deforestation Deforestation is the cutting down of trees in the forest in a large number. Deforestation has always been a threat to our environment. But still many humans are continuing this ill practice. Moreover, Deforestation is causing ecological imbalance. Yet, some selfish people have to fill their pockets. Therefore, they do not even think about it once. So, the government is trying countermeasures to avert the harm to the environment. The main purpose of deforestation is to increase the land area. Also, this acreage is to line up new industries. And, this all is because of the increase in population. As the population increase the demand for products also increase. So, rich businessmen set up these industries to increase profit. Harmful Effects to Deforestation There are many harmful effects to deforestation. Some of them are below: Soil Erosion: Soil erosion is the elimination of the upper layer of the soil. It takes place when there's removing of trees that bind the so

Why Do We Dream?

 Why Do We Dream? In the third millennium BCE, Mesopotamian kings recorded and interpreted their dreams on wax tablets. A thousand years later, Ancient Egyptians wrote a dream book listing over a 100 common dreams and their meanings.  Why We Dream? And in the years since, we haven't paused in our quest to understand why we dream. So, after a great deal of scientific research, technological advancement, and persistence, we still don't have any definite answers, but we have some interesting theories.  We Dream to Fulfill Our Wishes.  In the early 1900s, Freud proposed that while all of our dreams, including our nightmares, are a gaggle of images from our daily conscious lives, they even have symbolic meanings, which relate to the fulfillment of our subconscious wishes. Freud theorized that everything we remember once we awaken from a dream may be a symbolic representation of our unconscious primitive thoughts, urges, and desires. Freud believed that by analyzing those remembered

The Greatest Mathematician that Never Lived

The Greatest Mathematician that Never Lived    Mystery of Nicolas Bourbaki — One of the Most Influential Mathematicians of all time… When Nicolas Bourbaki applied to the American Mathematical Society within the 1950s, he was already one among the foremost influential mathematicians of his time.  Yet his application was firmly rejected for one simple reason— Nicolas Bourbaki did not exist. Two decades earlier, mathematics was in disarray. Many established mathematicians had lost their lives in the first World War, and the field had become fragmented. Different branches used disparate methodology to pursue their own goals. And the lack of a shared mathematical language made it difficult to share or expand their work.  In 1934, a group of French mathematicians were particularly fed up. While studying at the prestigious "École normale supérieure", they found the textbook for their calculus class so disjointed that they decided to write a better one. The small group quickly took o

Former President Pranav Mukherjee Dies at 84

Former President Pranav Mukherjee Dies at 84 Pranav Mukherjee Pranav Mukherjee was born on 11 December 1935 in the village of Mirati in birbhum district in West Bengal. His father's name is Kamada Kinker Mukherjee who was an activist in the Indian independence movement. His mother was Rajlakshmi Mukherjee. He married Suvra Mukherjee on 13 July 1957. Pranab Mukherjee took his education at Birbhum. He got MA degree in political science and history and also an LLB degree from the Department of Law of the University of Calcutta. He started his career on the post of clerk in telegraph department in Calcutta. Before entering into politics he worked as a journalist with the "Desher Dak".Pranab Mukherjee became a member of the Rajya Sabha in 1969. He was re-elected to the house in 1975,1981,1993 and 1999. He was appointed as Union Deputy Minister in 1973. He was appointed as cabinet minister. He held many important posts in the government. He became the 13th President of India on

Is the Weather Actually Becoming More Extreme?

Is the Weather Actually Becoming More Extreme? From 2016 to 2019, meteorologists saw record-breaking heat waves around the globe, rampant wild fires in California and Australia, and the longest run of category 5 tropical cyclones on record. The number of extreme weather events has been increasing for the last 40 years, and current predictions suggest that trend will continue.  But are these Natural Disasters Simply Bad Weather? Or are they due to Our Changing Climate?   To answer this question we need to understand the differences between weather and climate— what they are, how we predict them, and what those predictions can tell us. Meteorologists define weather as the conditions of the atmosphere at a particular time and place. Currently, researchers can predict a region’s weather for the next week with roughly 80% accuracy.  Climate describes a region’s average atmospheric conditions over periods of a month or more. Climate predictions can forecast average temperatures for decades t

World Yoga Day

  World Yoga Day World Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st of June every year. This was proposed by the current Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji to the United Nations. United Nations General Assembly President Sam Kutesa announced June 21 as International Yoga Day. He said that more than 170 countries have supported the proposal of the International Yoga Day, which shows the sum of the invisible and visible benefits of yoga to the people of the world. UN General assembly President congratulated the PM Narendra Modi whose initiative on June 21 of every year has been declared as yoga day. Yoga is an ancient art which was originated in India around five thousand years ago. Yoga is a good practice if one does it in daily life. It helps to measure healthy lifestyle and better life forever. Yoga may be a practice to bring body parts together to form a balance of body, mind and soul. We should let our kids know the benefits of yoga as well as tell them to practice yoga in their daily life rout

Generation Gap Article

Generation Gap Article Introduction Generation gap is a common phenomenon. The term is often used to state the difference of  opinions of parents, children or grand parents. Origin of the term - Generation Gap The theory of generation gap was introduced within the year 1960s.Around this point it had been observed that the younger generation questioned and went against almost everything their parents believed. This included their religious beliefs, politics views, moral values, relationship advice and even the sort of music and shows they like. Generation Gap - An Interesting Concept While generation gap is usually a cause of conflict between children and their parents, it is actually an interesting concept. People born in different ages are different from each other in different aspects. The world is changing at a rapid pace and thus the difference between people born in different times is inevitable. For instance if we mention India, people born before independence are different from


  Discipline Discipline Paragraph Discipline is one of the powerful word in our life. Discipline means doing work orderly according to the rules and regulations, being punctual and regular. Discipline word contains such a lot value in our life and its importance are often seen anywhere and everywhere. It is learned from family reception also as at college. Discipline that's learned at an early age of kid is long lasting and beneficial. A student with discipline is usually punctual and he finishes his homework on time. Discipline helps students to urge success in every walk of life. It helps a man to be honest, self satisfied and successful in career and life. Lack of discipline creates failures, disrespect and confusions in one's life. There are many physical, phycological and health benefits of a disciplined life. A student should learn discipline at an early to be better for his future. Discipline is must in every field of life. Indiscipline leads to failure while discipline

Dowry system in India

Dowry system in India Introduction In todays era our society is full of evils. The dowry is one of the greatest evils in our society. Indian girls are not free like western girls. They are brought up in a very bounded and restricted conditions. Here marriage of a girl is settled by her parents. The Dowry System in India Article Dowry system is prevalent in most sections of Indian society. Dowry is what parents give to their daughter at the time of their marriage. It is a sort of help given to the newly marriage from bride's parents to determine a replacement home. This is a very ancient custom in Indian society. In the ancient time it was not considered as a bad practice because it was a voluntary offer. But these days it has become a necessary practice to do. Dowry system has destroying our society. Because of this dowry system the birth of a girl child is not considered good in Indian society. The birth of a daughter or a girl child is a no occasion of joy and happiness for the p