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What is Yoga ?

Yoga is an ancient practice which is used to improve your concentration power,Physical flexibility and boost your endurance.

What involves Yoga ?

Yoga involves physical poses,deep breathning and concentration of mind at a calm and peaceful place.

What are the benefits of Yoga ?

There are so many benefits of yoga mentally as well as physically.Let us brief all the benefits.

  • Mental Releif

Yoga keeps your mind fresh and calm.It keeps you fresh and foccused to your work.It relaxes you and helps you get a sound sleep.It removes all the negative thaughts and feelings if you practice yoga on regular basic.

  • Yoga helps to manage stress level.
  • Yoga improves body flexibility.

Various physical postures includes in yoga are helpful in improving your body flexibility,if one could make it as a daily routine.

  • Yoga helps to boost up your endurance.
  • Yoga helps to improve heart's and lung's functions as it maintains proper blood circulation and keeps an individual fit.
  • Yoga reduces anxiety.
  • Yoga improves your body posture.
  • Yoga makes your brain cells active.
  • Yoga improves your cardiovascular activities.
  • Yoga boost up your confidence level.

In the end i must say we should include yoga practice in our daily routine.It is a prace which you should do everyday.If you make it a habit it will give you promising results.Yoga is beneficial for our overall health.

Thanks,have a great day.


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