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Showing posts from December, 2021


 YOGA What is Yoga ? Yoga is an ancient practice which is used to improve your concentration power,Physical flexibility and boost your endurance. What involves Yoga ? Yoga involves physical poses,deep breathning and concentration of mind at a calm and peaceful place. What are the benefits of Yoga ? There are so many benefits of yoga mentally as well as physically.Let us brief all the benefits. Mental Releif Yoga keeps your mind fresh and calm.It keeps you fresh and foccused to your work.It relaxes you and helps you get a sound sleep.It removes all the negative thaughts and feelings if you practice yoga on regular basic. Yoga helps to manage stress level. Yoga improves body flexibility. Various physical postures includes in yoga are helpful in improving your body flexibility,if one could make it as a daily routine. Yoga helps to boost up your endurance. Yoga helps to improve heart's and lung's functions as it maintains proper blood circulation and keeps an individual fit. Yoga r